  • Created by: Amy
  • Created on: 14-03-17 10:23
The major vessels that deliver deoxygenated blood from the heart to the lungs are called
Pulmonary arteries
1 of 49
Spermatogenesis takes place in the
Seminiferous tubules
2 of 49
Spore forming bacteria produce spores when the
surrounding environment becomes unfavourable
3 of 49
Which organ is responsible for metabolism in the "first pass effect"?
4 of 49
7. Each organ system has specific functions that contribute to maintaining homeostasis and health. Which organ system in involved in the intake of raw materials?
Respiratory system
5 of 49
Which skin cells have a sensory role?
Merkel cells
6 of 49
Chromosome disorders result from a variation in the number or structure of chromosomes. A child with Down's syndrome typically has a karotype that includes:
47 chromosomes with an extra chromosome 21
7 of 49
Paracetamol is a non-opioid analgesic which is thought to work by inhibiting
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In the gate control theory of pain, which emotional or cognitive factor would close the gate?
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Which nutrient provides the most concentrated source of energy in the diet?
10 of 49
In thermoregulation, fluctuations in the core body temperature stimulate
Central thermoreceptors in the hypothalamus
11 of 49
What is the female gamete called?
12 of 49
Pharmacodynamics can be defined as
A study of the effects of drugs on the body and the mechansisms of drug actions
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Which organ secretes bile?
14 of 49
Pharmacokinetics can be defined as
How the body handles the drug
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Cytotoxic T Cells are key cells in which immune response?
Specific immune response
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High threshold mechanoreceptors respond to
Intense mechanical stimulation
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Which process produces genetically identical cells for growth and replacement of tissues?
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Cortisol is secreted by
The adrenal cortex
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In which stage of sleep is the EEG activity synchronised?
Slow wave sleep
20 of 49
True or false? In shock, hypotension can lead to reduced tissue perfusion.
21 of 49
Baroreceptors, which detect pressure changes, are found in
Aortic arch
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In which division (zone) would an alveolus be found?
Respiritaroy division/zone
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What is osmosis?
The diffusion of water across a selectively permeable membrane
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What chance does the son of a woman with an autosomal dominant condition have of inheriting the condition?
1 in 2 chance
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What is the name given to medications that are not typically used for pain but may be helpful for its management?
Adjuvant pain medications. Example - antidepressants.
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The short term control of BP is achieved by both the cardiac centre and vasomotor centre. Where are these located?
Brain stem (medulla oblongata)
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Which structure in the urinary system contains skeletal muscle?
External urethral sphincter
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What is a gene?
A section of a chromosome that codes for a particular protein.
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On which step of the WHO analgesic ladder is paracetamol?
Step 1
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What is needed in electrolyte & fluid homeostasis to stimulate reabsorption of sodium ions in the nephron?
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How does Oxybutynin (anticholinergic medication) relieve symptoms of urge incontinence?
Blocks cholinergic receptors and relaxes detrusor muscle
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What would an increase in renal blood flow lead to?
An increased rate of glomerular filtration.
33 of 49
The plasma protein which is a major contributor to osmotic pressure of plasma is
34 of 49
How do calcium channel blockers, used to treat hypertension or angina, work?
Block calcium channels in the cell membrane of smooth muscle cells in blood vessels.
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What is the outer boundary of an animal cell called?
Cell membrane
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Which nerve provides the primary nerve supply to the diaphragm?
Phrenic nerve
37 of 49
In muscle contraction, muscle fibres shorten as actin fibres slide over myosin fibres, this sliding process needs ATP and
calcium ions
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Which type of neurone transmits impulses from the periphery to the central nervous system?
Sensory neurone
39 of 49
Warfarin is an anticoagulant which impairs the production of some clotting factors synthesised in the liver by:
Inhibiting the vitamin K dependent synthesis of clotting factors.
40 of 49
What are the muscles which oppose the prime movers in muscle movement called?
41 of 49
The mode of action of salbutamol is that it acts as
A receptor agonist
42 of 49
What do central chemoreceptors in the medulla detect?
Changes in pH in cerebrospinal fluid
43 of 49
Which region of the cerebral cortex is involved in the planning, control and execution of voluntary movements?
Motor cortex
44 of 49
How do B-lactam antibiotics such as penicllin act?
Inhibit the synthesis of the peptidoglycan layer of bacterial cell walls.
45 of 49
Which feature of the intestine has many finger like projections?
Intestinal villi
46 of 49
What does the P wave represent in a normal ECG tracing?
Atrial depolarisation
47 of 49
In the non-specific immune response, which cells are responsible for phagocytosis?
48 of 49
Which route of administration is most convenient, although may have a bioavailability of anywhere between 5-100%?
49 of 49

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Spermatogenesis takes place in the


Seminiferous tubules

Card 3


Spore forming bacteria produce spores when the


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Which organ is responsible for metabolism in the "first pass effect"?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


7. Each organ system has specific functions that contribute to maintaining homeostasis and health. Which organ system in involved in the intake of raw materials?


Preview of the front of card 5
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