Othello quotations

"What a ____________ does the ______________ If he can carry't thus!" (1.1)
full fortune : thicklips owe
1 of 30
"O _________, how she got out? O __________________________!" (1.1)
heaven : treason of the blood!
2 of 30
"Brabantio! _______ , _______ , _____! Look to your ________ , your ____________ and your _______! Thieves, thieves!" (1.1)
thieves, thieves, thieves! : house : daughter : bags!
3 of 30
"Even now, now, very now, an __________________________________!" (1.1)
old black ram is tupping your white ewe!
4 of 30
"You, Roderigo! Come sir, __________________." (1.2)
I am for you
5 of 30
"I am _______________________________. But here's my ______________" (1.3)
hitherto your daughter : husband
6 of 30
"I ______ his daughter" (1.3)
7 of 30
"A ____________________, Of spirit so still and quiet that her ___________________ at herself" (1.3)
maiden never bold : motion Blushed
8 of 30
"Upon this hint I spake: She loved me for the _____________________ And I loved her ___________________________." (p149)
dangers I had passed : that she did pity them
9 of 30
"our great ______________________" (2.1)
captain's captain
10 of 30
·"O, behold, The ________________________ is come on shore: You men of Cyprus, __________________________" (2.1)
riches of the ship : let her have your knees
11 of 30
"O my ________________________!" (2.1)
fair warrior!
12 of 30
"O my __________________, If after every ___________ comes such ________ May the ______________ till they have __________________," (2.1)
soul's joy : tempest : calms : winds blow : wakened death"
13 of 30
"Her _____ must be fed, and what delight shall she have to ___________________________?" (2.1)
eye : look on the devil?
14 of 30
"Her ______________________________ will find itself abused, begin to heave the ___________, ___________ and ____________ the Moor." (2.1)
delicate tenderness : gorge : disrelish : abhor
15 of 30
"The _________ made, the ______ are to ensue: That __________ yet to come 'tween me and you." (2.3)
purchase : fruits : profit's
16 of 30
"No, not _____ moved. I do not think but Desdemona's ____________." (3.3)
much : honest
17 of 30
"O curse of ____________ That we can call these _______________________ ours And not their ___________________!" (3.3)
marriage : delicate creatures : appetites!
18 of 30
"O beware, my lord, of _______________! It is the _________________________, which doth mock the ________ it feeds on." (3.3)
jealousy! : green-eyed monster : meat
19 of 30
"Not to affect many _____________________________ of her own __________, _________________ and __________, whereto we see, in all things, ___________ tends-" (3.3)
proposed matches : clime : complexion : degree : nature
20 of 30
"Tis not a year or two shows us a man. They are all but ______________, and we all but ________: They eat us _______________, and when they are full They _____________ us." (3.4)
stomachs : food : hungerly : belch
21 of 30
"No, my heart is turned to ________: I strike it, and it hurts my hand. O, the world hath not a _____________________: she might lie by an _______________ side and command him tasks." (4.1)
stone: sweeter creature: emperor's side
22 of 30
"He might have _____ me so, for, in good faith, I am a ______ to ______________." (4.2)
chid : child to chiding
23 of 30
"my love doth so __________ him that even his __________________, his __________, his ___________ have grace and favour." (4.3)
approve : stubbornness : checks : frowns
24 of 30
"And have not we ____________? Desires for _________? And ________, as men have?" (4.3)
affections : sport : frailty
25 of 30
"Yet I'll not shed her blood nor scar that _______________ of hers than _____ and smooth as _________________________: Yet she must die, else she'll betray more ______." (5.2)
whiter skin : snow : monumental alabaster : men
26 of 30
"When I have plucked the _____ I cannot give it ______________ again, It needs must ___________." (5.2)
rose : vital growth : wither
27 of 30
"nobody. I myself. _____________. Commend me to my __________" (5.2)
Farewell : kind lord
28 of 30
"An _________________ murderer, if you will, for nought I did in _______, but all in _____________." (5.2)
honourable : hate : honour
29 of 30
"Like the base _______ , threw a _________away ___________ than all his tribe." (5.2)
Indian : pearl : richer
30 of 30

Other cards in this set

Card 2


"O _________, how she got out? O __________________________!" (1.1)


heaven : treason of the blood!

Card 3


"Brabantio! _______ , _______ , _____! Look to your ________ , your ____________ and your _______! Thieves, thieves!" (1.1)


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"Even now, now, very now, an __________________________________!" (1.1)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"You, Roderigo! Come sir, __________________." (1.2)


Preview of the front of card 5
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