What did Rene Descates suggest?
Rene suggested that the mind and body are seperate from each other therefore the mind should be studied in its own right.
1 of 10
What did John Locke suggest?
John suggested that humans experience everything throught their senses (empiricism) which is influenced by the behavourist approach.
2 of 10
What did Charles Darwin propose?
Darwin proposed the evolutionary theory which is influenced by aspects of the biological approach.
3 of 10
What is Intropsection?
Introspection involves looking into the mind and anaslysing thoughts and feelings.
4 of 10
What did Wundt use introspection for?
Wundt and his co workers recorded their own conscious thoughts and feelings using the introspection method before exposing Ps to a controlled stimulus and getting them to recall their inner processes.
5 of 10
What did Wundt do with his findings?
He compared the individuals' reports with the same stimuli and established general theories from the comparisons.
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What is one strength of Wundt's theory?
One strength is that is committed to the scientific method. By using objective and systematic methods, a cause and effect relationship is established.
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What is one weakness of Wundt's theory?
One weakness is that his methods are unreliable. Wundt's used 'unobservable' methods by the Ps recalling their experiences themselves which contrasts with Pavlov's research later on.
8 of 10
What is another strength of Wundt's theory?
Another strength is that introspection is still used in modern scientific psychology. Hunter (2003) used the introspection method to investiaget happiness by giving Ps buzzers that went off at different times in the day and recorded the Ps feelings.
9 of 10
What is another weakness of Wundt's theory?
Another weakness is that he had a lack of participtants which led to issues with generalising the findings. He only used one or two people per trial which meant the findings could not be applied anywhere else.
10 of 10

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Card 2


What did John Locke suggest?


John suggested that humans experience everything throught their senses (empiricism) which is influenced by the behavourist approach.

Card 3


What did Charles Darwin propose?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Intropsection?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What did Wundt use introspection for?


Preview of the front of card 5
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