Organic Synthesis

What type of reaction do alkanes typically undergo?
Radical Substitution
1 of 18
What type of reaction do alkenes typically undergo?
Electrophilic addition
2 of 18
What types of reactions do alcohols typically undergo?
Nucleophilic substitution/ Dehydration/ Elimination/ Oxidation
3 of 18
What type of reaction do haloalkanes typically undergo?
Nucleophilic Substitution
4 of 18
What type of reaction do aldehydes typically undergo?
5 of 18
Which two organic species are typically unreactive?
Ketones and carboxylic acids
6 of 18
What conditions are needed to produce a haloalkane from an alkane?
X2 + UV light
7 of 18
What conditions are needed to produce an alcohol from a haloalkane?
warm NaOH or KOH, H2O, reflux
8 of 18
What is produced when an alcohol reacts with NaX, in the presence of H2SO4, at room temperature?
A haloalkane
9 of 18
When heated under reflux with acidified potassium dichromate what do a) a primary alcohol and b) a secondary alcohol form?
a) a carboxylic acid b) a ketone
10 of 18
How do we produce an aldehyde from a primary alcohol?
By using the distillation set up rather than reflux
11 of 18
Describe the conditions needed for electrophillic addition of an alkene and name the product formed
H2, nickel catalyst, 150 degrees celsius product= a saturated hydrocarbon
12 of 18
At room temperature what will be formed if you react an alkene with a) HX and b) X2
a) haloalkane b) dihaloalkane
13 of 18
which two catalysts could be used to produce an alkene from an alcohol being heated?
Concentrated sulfuric acid (H2SO4) or phosphoric acid (H3PO4)
14 of 18
State the conditions needed to form an alcohol from an alkene.
Steam, H3PO4 catalyst, 300 degrees celsius, 60-70 atm pressure
15 of 18
What is the reaction used to test for the stength of different carbon-halogen bonds?
Formation of an alcohol from a haloalkane, using water, in the presence of AgNO3.
16 of 18
What reaction is used as a test for unsaturation?
The reaction between bromine (in the form of Bromine water) and an alkene to form a dibromoalkane
17 of 18
In a subsitution reaction of an alcohol with iodine why is phosphoric acid used as a catalyst when substitution reactions with alcohols and bromide use sulfuric acid?
The iodide ions would be oxidised by the acid to form I2 and so yeilds would be very poor.
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What type of reaction do alkenes typically undergo?


Electrophilic addition

Card 3


What types of reactions do alcohols typically undergo?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What type of reaction do haloalkanes typically undergo?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What type of reaction do aldehydes typically undergo?


Preview of the front of card 5
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