Operant Conditioning

What did skinner propose?
That humans and animals learn from punishment and reward
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Describe skinners study (skinner's box) showing negative reinforcement
Rats were subjected to unpleasant electric shocks and accidental pressing of the lever turned it off, the rats then learnt that pressing the lever stopped the shocks so continued to press the lever- negatively reinforced
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Describe skinners study (skinner's box) showing positive reinforcement
Random behaviour tipped lever and was awarded a treat, then by positive reinforcement the rat learnt that by pressing the lever it got a treat so continued to do that
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Positive reinforcement
Something good is given because of a behaviour so the behaviour is repeated
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Negative reinforcement
Something bad is taken away because of a behaviour so the behaviour is repeated
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Positive punishment
Something bad is given and the unwanted behaviour is stopped
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Negative punishment
Something good is taken away and the unwanted behaviour is stopped
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Primary reinforcement
The reward is for a basic need like food or warmth
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Secondary reinforcement
Something that can buy basic needs like money or tokens
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Continuous reinforcement
A desired behaviour is reinforced every single time it is done
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Partial reinforcement
The response is reinforced only part of the time
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Fixed intervals
Behaviour is only rewarded in fixed intervals (e.g. every 5 mins)
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Variable intervals
Behaviour is reinforced after an unpredictable amount of time (2 mins then after 5 mins then 3 mins etc)
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Fixed ratio
Behaviour reinforced after a fixed number of responses (e.g. behaviour repeated 3 times then reward given
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Variable ratio
Behaviour reinforced after a variable number of responses
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Behaviour modification
Rewards and punishments are planned so certain behaviours are produced and certain behaviours are dropped, this is a way of modifying behaviour
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A form of behaviour modification, gradually working towards desired behaviour by reward and punishments, e.g. training a pigeon to walk in circles, rewarding small circles then large ones until full on is reached
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Describe skinners study (skinner's box) showing negative reinforcement


Rats were subjected to unpleasant electric shocks and accidental pressing of the lever turned it off, the rats then learnt that pressing the lever stopped the shocks so continued to press the lever- negatively reinforced

Card 3


Describe skinners study (skinner's box) showing positive reinforcement


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Card 4


Positive reinforcement


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Card 5


Negative reinforcement


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