Of mice and men american dream quotes

"I remember about the rabbits, George."
Lennie is completely mesmerized about rabbits. It shows that he has ambition and a goal. He has something to take his mind off the isolated and predatory world he is in. Such an innocent soul.
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" You get a kick out of that don't you?"
George seems less optimistic than Lennie is. George is wise and knows that the dream will most likely not happen because he knows *** the world works and how people work. He has lost confidence.
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~" I could of made somthing of myself"
Everyone who talks about the dream mostly refer back to the past. I t shows that the worlds too predatory and harsh for them to accomplish anything.
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"Want me to tell ya what'll happen?"
Desperation for the American dream to own some land and be successful. But I think that desperation to own land is equal to the desperation to have a friend. Crooks is telling his deepest secrets to a stranger. He is desperate.
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"He said he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural"
Curley's wife starts talking about her past of dreaming of being a star. She again is telling her deepest secreat to stranger showing that her real dream is to have someone to confide in.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


" You get a kick out of that don't you?"


George seems less optimistic than Lennie is. George is wise and knows that the dream will most likely not happen because he knows *** the world works and how people work. He has lost confidence.

Card 3


~" I could of made somthing of myself"


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


"Want me to tell ya what'll happen?"


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


"He said he was gonna put me in the movies. Says I was a natural"


Preview of the front of card 5


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