Of Mice and Men: Characters

George Milton
George Milton is Lennie Small's best friend/carer, who shares the dream of owning a small farm of their own. He is small, yet quick witted, and is a farm worker.
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Lenny Small
Lennie Small is a big, strong farmworker, who likes to pet small things, but kills them. George Milton's best friend.
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Candy is an old ranch worker ("swamper") who has lost one of his hands in a farm accident. He's spent the best years of his life working on someone else's ranch, only to lose his hand and have little money.
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Curley's Wife
Curley's wife is prison bait, flirts with the farmhands, and is arguably the loneliest person on the ranch.
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Curley is the son of the ranch boss, so he's got a big head—which doesn't quite match up with his body. He used to be a lightweight fighter, and he just can't let go of the life: he picks fights just to prove himself on the ranch among other bigger (
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Slim is the "prince of the ranch." He's the consummate Western man: masterful, strong, fair-minded, practical, non-talkative, and exceptionally good at what he does. He is a god among men, and his word on any subject is law.
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Crooks (named for his crooked back) is the stable hand who works with the ranch horses. He lives by himself because he is the only black man on the ranch. Crooks is bookish and likes to keep his room neat, but he has been so beaten down by loneliness
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Carlson may be the least interesting important character. We learn about all we need to know from when he tells Slim, "Whyn't you get Candy to shoot his old dog and give him one of the pups to raise up? I can smell that dog a mile away. Got no teeth,
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Card 2


Lennie Small is a big, strong farmworker, who likes to pet small things, but kills them. George Milton's best friend.


Lenny Small

Card 3


Candy is an old ranch worker ("swamper") who has lost one of his hands in a farm accident. He's spent the best years of his life working on someone else's ranch, only to lose his hand and have little money.


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Card 4


Curley's wife is prison bait, flirts with the farmhands, and is arguably the loneliest person on the ranch.


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Card 5


Curley is the son of the ranch boss, so he's got a big head—which doesn't quite match up with his body. He used to be a lightweight fighter, and he just can't let go of the life: he picks fights just to prove himself on the ranch among other bigger (


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