OCR 21st Century Science GCSE Biology B2

Revision summary for module B2 based on the GCSE revision book CGP along with answers

  • Created by: Ohhmy
  • Created on: 13-05-11 19:50
What do antibodies do?
They fit the antigen on the MO and quickly reproduces to help neutralise it
1 of 11
What do your eyes contain to help kill bacteria?
Tears that contain enzymes
2 of 11
Why are you immune to most of the diseases you have already had?
The body carries a memory of what the antigen was like meaning it can quickly produce lots of antibodies if infected again
3 of 11
How can microorganisms produce symptoms?
Cell damage or a release of toxins
4 of 11
What are chemicals made by bacteria called?
5 of 11
Put the following pathogens in order, largest to smallest
Fungus, Bacteria, Virus
6 of 11
What is an antibiotic?
They are drugs that are able to to kill some types of pathogen without seriously damaging our own body cells
7 of 11
A placebo is....
• ... a 'fake' treatment that doesn't involve a drug being given to the patient- they have no actual affect
8 of 11
What are three different ways antibodies help get rid of an infection?
Mark the MO so other W. Blood cells can engulf and digest them, bind and neutralise toxins/viruses, attach to bacteria and kill them directly
9 of 11
What affect does having a build up of cholesterol on the walls of your arteries have?
A narrower lumen which can restrict the flow of blood
10 of 11
What is the name given to microorganisms that cause disease
11 of 11

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What do your eyes contain to help kill bacteria?


Tears that contain enzymes

Card 3


Why are you immune to most of the diseases you have already had?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How can microorganisms produce symptoms?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are chemicals made by bacteria called?


Preview of the front of card 5
View more cards


Cara Evans-Gillen


Check the answers to questions 14 and 22



The questions were worded a bit oddly and I'm not sure some of the answers made sense but a great help for seeing what I needed to go over. Thanks a lot!!!! ;)



very good and helpful. 



Window are mostly using in operating system file explorer windows such a good site.

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