
What did HOLLANDER define as social influence
Occurs whenever an individual responds to the actual or implied presence of one or more individuals
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What is the definition of obedience
SI in which someone acts in response to a direct order from a figure with perceived authority.
(implied – person who has received the order would not have done so otherwise.)
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What is the Agentic State
is when we perceived ourselves as being devoid of responsibility as we can put the responsibility onto the person giving orders ‘we are an agent of their actions
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What are the studies into the agentic state
MILGRAM and Burger, Girgis and Manning
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Who established the 3 factors of legitimacy
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What are the 3 factors of legitimacy
- Legitimacy of system
- Legitimacy of Authority within the system
- Legitimacy Of demands /order given
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What the 3 situational variables
1) Proximity and location

2) Uniform/dress

3) Presence of an authority figure
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Who studied Proximity and Location
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Who studied Uniform/dress
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What is the authoritarian personality
person who has an extreme respect for authority and is more likely to be obedient to those who hold power over them
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Who established the Authoritarian personality
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What did CRUTCHFIELD find in relation to AP
Never see people as equals. Often tend to conform to conventional middle-class values and to the views of the majority
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What did ALDORNO find was the cause of the authoritarian personality
due to a strict and rigid discipline with psychical punishment.
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Who established the F(ascist) scale
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What is the F scale
A measurement for the authoritarian personality using survey's
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What is a modern study of AP
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What is the Authoritarian personality pattern
is the consequence of a high level of chronic mental stress brought about by pronounced insecurity
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What are the main factors affecting resistance to SI
social support
Locus of control
Defiance of authority
Individual differences
boomerang effect
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What is the Locus of control
can be internal (takes responsibility for actions) or external (perceive responsibility as being on someone else) does not stay the same in a person. If did would be psychopathy
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Who established the LofC
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What did LATIF establish in relation to LofC
moral reasoning = locus of control
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who else researched LofC
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What is defiance of authority
presence of disobedience peers helps person see defiance as legitimate.
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Who established the defiance of authority
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What are individual differences
high level of moral reasoning they are more likely to delay.
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What is the boomerang effect
to protect sense of freedom they will do the opposite of what they’re told
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What are other factors of resistance to SI
- Reactance -rebellious anger produced by attempts to restrict freedom of choice.
- Ironic Deviance – the belief that other peoples behaviour occurs because they have been told to do it lowers their informational influence
- Status
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What are the factors of resistance to obedience
Systematic Processing
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What is systematic processing and what research supports this
analysis based upon critical thinking. (MARTIN et al and TAYLOR et al)
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What is morality and who studied it
– decisions and behaviours based upon the perception of proper conduct.
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What is personality and who studied it in relation to resistance to SI
Combination of characteristics that forms an individual’s distinctive nature. OLINER & OLINER
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Card 2


SI in which someone acts in response to a direct order from a figure with perceived authority.
(implied – person who has received the order would not have done so otherwise.)


What is the definition of obedience

Card 3


is when we perceived ourselves as being devoid of responsibility as we can put the responsibility onto the person giving orders ‘we are an agent of their actions


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Card 4


MILGRAM and Burger, Girgis and Manning


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Card 5




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