Other questions in this quiz

2. Carbohydrase, disaccharides, lipase, proteases: all example of:

  • Enzymes
  • Dipeptides
  • Triglycerides
  • Substrates

3. Which of the following is not a feature or characteristic of chloroplasts?

  • Its own DNA stash
  • Venue of photosynthesis
  • Stroma
  • Prokaryotic
  • Glucose reservoir
  • Phospholipid membrane

4. The sac-like, membrane-bound thylakoids in chloroplasts are where the ........... reactions of photosynthesis take place. They come in stacks called .....; they have a fluid-filled space called a thylakoid......

  • Light-dependent; grana; lumen.
  • Light-independent; grana; vacuole.

5. Why is it that bile salts produced in the gall bladder bother emulsifying fat droplets into smaller ones?

  • So that they pass more easily through the digestive tract.
  • To increase their surface area to expedite digestion.
  • So that they fit through cell membranes.


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