Non-communicable diseases B7

What is a non communicable disease?
A disease that cannot be spread from person to person
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What are the risk factors for non-communicable diseases?
-Lifestyle factors eg diet, smoking
-Substances in the environment eg ionising radiation
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What is cancer caused by?
Uncontrolled growth of cells (tumour)
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What are the two types of tumour?
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Benign tumours
-growth of abnormal cells in one area
-do not spread through the body
-contained within a membrane
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Malignant tumours
-cells invade other tissues and the bloodstream
-spread through body and create new tumours
-not contained within a membrane
-classed as a cancer
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What are the two ways cancer can be treated?
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How does radiation treat cancer and what risks are there?
-cancer cells killed by radiation
-can also damage healthy cells
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How does chemotherapy treat cancer?
-chemicals are used to stop cancer cells from dividing or make them self-destruct
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What does smoking increase the risk of?
-lung cancer/diseases
-heart disease
-blood clots
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Why does smoking increase the risk of certain diseases?
Carcinogens are found in cigarette smoke which can trigger cancer
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What do cigarettes contain and what do they do?
Nicotine: makes you feel calm, addictive, can cause blood clots, increases blood pressure
Carbon monoxide: poisonous, reduces oxygen levels in body
Tar: carcinogenic
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What happens if you smoke while pregnant ?
-reduces oxygen in fetus
-can cause premature/low-weight babies or babies with brain damage
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What does alcohol do to the body?
-it slows down responses and reaction times
-it is poisonous but liver prevents damage to body
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Long-term effects of alcohol consumption
-brain and liver damage
-mental health issues (addiction)
-high blood pressure
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What happens if you drink alcohol while pregnant?
-leads to fetal alcohol syndrome (FAS)
-FAS causes deformities etc in babies
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What is type 2 diabetes?
-The body does not produce enough insulin so they cannot control blood sugar levels
-can lead to blindness, circulation issues etc
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What are the risk factors for type 2 diabetes and how can it be cured?
risk: obesity, high sugar diet, lack of exercise
cure: carb-controlled diet and regular exercise
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Why is exposure to ionising radiation a risk for cancer?
Ionising radiation is carcinogen
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the risk factors for non-communicable diseases?


-Lifestyle factors eg diet, smoking
-Substances in the environment eg ionising radiation

Card 3


What is cancer caused by?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two types of tumour?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Benign tumours


Preview of the front of card 5
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