Nitrogen Cycle

Major processes in the nitrogen cycle

  • Created by: Phoebe
  • Created on: 06-05-12 18:12

1. What does the process ionising phenomena involve?

  • provide energy for atmospheric nitrogen and oxygen to react to form oxides.
  • fossilisation of dead organic matter
  • atmospheric nitrogen is formed into ammonium
  • decomposition of dead plants
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2. what is carried out by some micro-organisms during nitrogen fixation

  • ammonification of dead organic matter
  • nitrogen is chemically reduced to ammonia
  • nitrate ions are chemically reduced to nitrogen
  • nirite ions are oxidised to nitrate ions

3. Where is nitrogen found in plants and animals

  • proteins
  • vacuole
  • cell wall
  • nucleus

4. What does nitrification involve?

  • oxidation of ammonium ions to nitrites
  • nitrate ions chemically reduced to nitrogen
  • nitrogen chemically reduced to ammonia
  • nitrite ions chemically reduced to bacteria

5. What does denitrification involve

  • chemical reduction of nirtogen to ammonium ions
  • chemical reduction of nitrates to nitrogen
  • oxidation of nirtogen to nitrogen oxides
  • ammonification of dead organic matter


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