
  • Created by: Sarah
  • Created on: 28-02-17 11:24
what are peduncles?
connections from the pons to the cerebellum
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what disease does the substantia nigra have a role in?
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what role does the reticular activating system have?
circadian rhythm or alertness
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what does the thalamus do?
important processing centre all special senses except smell.
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what does the pineal gland do?
endocrine gland secretes melatonin and serotonin
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what are the 3 meninges?
dira mater, arachnoid space and pia mater
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what do olives do?
send processes from the medulla oblongata to cerebellum
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how many peduncles is on there on each side?
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3 primary brain vesicles?
PMR= procephalon, mescenphalon + rhombocepehalon
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what is reticular formation?
a group of neurons in brainstem and above with similar roles either cvs or RAS
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what becomes the midbrain?
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which brain vesicle develops into the thalamus + hypothalamus?
diencephalon (
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what brain vesicle forms the cerebral hemispheres?
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What primary brain vesicle turns in to the diencephalon and telecephalon?
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4 major parts of the brain?
Cerebrum, cerebellum, brainstem and Diencephalon
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3 parts of the brainstem?
Medulla oblongata, mesencephalon and pons
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3 things CSF provides?
1) Protection from mechanical shock 2) reduces weight of CNS can float 3) info about state of NS
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where is CSF found?
central canal, brain ventricles and subarachnoid space
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How is CSF extracted?
lumbnar puncture of the spinal column between the 3rd and 4th lumbnar vetebrae
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what is the disorder fro CSF which is external surfaces?
Hydrocephalus- Water on the brain
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the dorsal root carries what?
sensory info
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3 roles of the astrocytes?
1) spatial buffering (K ions) 2) neurotransmitter uptake (glutamate-> glutamine) 3) glucose metabolism (glucose -> lactic acid)
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what do microglia do?
phagocytotic- remove damaged and debris
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what evidence suggests MS can be iniated from the environment?
clusters geographically and migration studies, distribution suggests environment (vit D near equator lower) and herpes cause
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what is radial glias classical role?
helping movement of cells in development
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what can bergmann glia cells do?
stem cell like can turn into other cell types
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what do olfactory granule cells have none of?
axons (they're anaxonic) xonnections dendrite to dendrite
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what do fibrous astrocytes have many of?
many intermediate filaments
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who mapped the motor cortex in dogs?
Hitzig and Fritsch
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what type of axons is golgi type 1?
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what is the limbic system?
brain areas associated with memory's, emotions and motivation
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what do comissural fibres connect?
the 2 hemispheres
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what is the right hemisphere responsible for?
creativity/artistic, spatial mapping, conceptual (ability to grasp concepts)
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where was Phineas Gage damaged?
frontallobes changed personality
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how many lobes does the cerebrum have?
functionally 6, 4 on surface
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what immunosupressant drug is used to treat ms?
cyclophosphamide (increased infection but decreases remission)
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Who came up with the bead one trial learning with chicks that pecked a horrible bead?
Steven Rose
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what does the nerst equation calculate?
equilibrium potential
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Roles of the cerebellum?
motor coordination, regulation and monitoring, motor error checking,learns patterns
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what is the disease associated with loss of cerebellar neurons?
cerebellar ataxia
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what is associated with the left hemisphere?
analysis, speech and calculations
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what is inferior collicus responsible for?
auditory reflexes
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who came up with the canon of internal medicine?
Huang Ti
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who did transplantation between the quail and chick to see if connections would still form?
Nichole le Davarin
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what is the enteric NS?
neural cells of the viscera, can be classified as the PNS
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how many pairs of peripheral cranial nerves?
12 pairs
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what does the goldman equation calculate?
the resting membrane potential
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what senses are well developed at birth?
taste and smell
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where is the tectum found?
the mesencephalon (part of brainstem)
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superior colliculus (in tectum of mesencephalon) is response for what?
visual reflexes
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what does the fact that the extent of myelin is different with experience suggest?
it may have a role in memory and learning
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what cell outnumbers other cell types?
cerebellar granule cell
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what's the difference between schwann cells and oligos?
schwann PNS + wrap around individual axons, can surround all axons in a nerve but not myelinate them but oligos is CNS and branches wrap around diff axons
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what is the percentage of water in myelin sheath?
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what is the set distance between the linked external and internal proteins called?
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why is the periodicity in the PNS 11.9nm but only 10.7nm in the CNS?
different myelin in CNS + PNS
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what does myelin look like? why?
light and dark bands because of way it forms cytoplasm is very thin so there's hardly and distance between membranes so they fuse
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what kind of line does the internal proteins show? what is the period called?
a dense line and major period
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how much dry lipid is in myelin?
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what happens if you knock cebrosides out in mice?
myelin forms but develops gaps (vacuoles) outsides not as densely packed as it should be, paralysis in aged animals
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where is more vunerable in the brain to MS demyelination?
white matter near spaces/ventricles (periventricular)
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what is cerbrosides?
any type of complex lipid present in the sheaths in nerve fibres
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what does the PNS have less of?
lipids: sulfatide and cerebroside
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what does the CNS have more of?
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2 CNS proteins
proteolipid protein and myelin basic protein
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when is the onset of MS?
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What therapy is used for MS?
steroids (relief), immunosupressants, antibodies, haemopotic stem cells, diet and inteferons
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what do you need to intake more of in your diet if you have MS?
Vitamin D
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What antibodies are used for MS to target immune cells selectively?
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what suggests MS is genetic?
monozygotic twins 30% concordance rate, linkage studies associate immune system, higher in females + caucasians
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when is the critical period in development for the structure of the eys? what caused if goes wrong?
6th weels. Cataracts caused by rubella
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what is the natural mutation of the jimpy mouse due to?
very little myelin so die early, severe loss of oligodendrocytes, PLP produced is toxic to neyrons
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what is the milder phenotype of the jimpy mouse?
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what type of mice cant form Myelin Basic Protein so die early? as they can't suckle?
shiverer mice
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what does MBP induce in other animals?
experimental allergic encephalomyelitis (model for MS)
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what are the 4 other CNS myelin proteins that are enzyes?
1) Cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase 2) proteases 3) lipid metabolism 4) carbonic anhydrase
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how many months in development can you see the major lobes in the cerebrum?
7 months
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when does CNS myelination begin?
5 months
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why is vison less well developed at birth?
optic nerve is not myelinated(devoccular dominance columns develop by 6 months see sharper)
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when do heart malformations happen in development?
5th to 10th weeks
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what do association fibres connect?
parts of one hemisphere to the same hemisphere
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where are the basal ganglia?
deep within the hemispheres
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what makes up the basal ganglia?
caudate+putamen (striatum), globus pallidus, subthalamic nucleus and substantia nigra
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what do projection fibres connect?
cerebral hemispheres to non cortical areas
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what are the 3 main types of glia cells?
1)macroglia 2) microglia and 3) ependymal
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what did sherrington do?
looked at reflexes, motot control + defined the synapse
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features of macroglia?
astrocytes: fibrous, protoplasmic, oligos, schwann cells
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What cells take up K at the photoreceptors?
muller cells
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what are the types of ependymal cells? what do they do?
tonocytes: found in regions eg hypothalmus have specific roles, ependymocytes: majority ciliated, choroid epithelial cells: CSF formation
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what are microglia derived from?
blood circulating monocytes
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what are the 3 classifications of the NS?
CNS, PNS + Enteric NS (NS to do with gut) when 2 classified enteric part of PNS
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how many peripheral nerves are there that enter/exit the brain+SC?
43 pairs
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What is the structure of nerves in the PNS?
has axons, no dendrites, no neuronal cell bodies, most are mixed
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what surrounds the PNS nerves?
endoneurium surrounds (mechanical support), bundled by perineurium (wraps indiv axons into bundles) into fasicles whole thing enclosed weith blood vessels by epineurium
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who discovered calcium release was impotant in release of transmitters?
Katz and Miledi
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what are all spinal nerves?
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what are dermatones?
all spinal nerves send branches out round body to innervate, an area of the skin supplied by nerves from a single spinal root.
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where do the ganglia sit for the sympathetic system?
near the spinal cord
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who thought animal spirits were in the ventricles travelled to tissues + wss possibly the first to use animals?
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what si the chain formed by the sympathetic ganglia called?
Paroverebral ganglia forming sympathetic chain
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How is the sympathetic system amplified?
has 1-20+ pre: post ganglionic neres. 1 cell in SC can impact 20+ in the ganglion
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how does the mutation in PNS protein PMP 22 cause charot marie tooth 1a?
it changes the loops near the nodes of ranvier so they're not as well attached
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who suggested using the squid axon
J Z Young
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P0 accounts for how much of PNS proteins? what is it?
50% a protein that is an adhesion molecule, schwann cell membranes together, lacks compaction less dense
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what does mutations in P0 cause?
charcot marie tooth 1b
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who searched for the engram using rates in mazes and ablation studies?
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what are most post ganglionic parasympathetic receptors? what neurotransmitter?
cholinergic, acetylcholine
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why is the C elegan used in neuroscience models?
electrophysiology use, NS mapped, genome mapped 131 genes and genetic reg of behaviours
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who looked at nerve conduction velocity?
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Al Zahen was responsible for what?
looking at the eye as an imaging system
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name 3 treatments came from using animal models?
parkinsons, retinal/cochlear transplants and epilepsy
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name 3 diseases looked at with animal models in neuroscience?
SAP schizophrenia, alzeheimers and parkinsons
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properties of peripheral nerves?
axons not dendrites, no cell bodies and msotly mixed
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how many pairs of peripheral nerves going in and out of the SC are there?
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what bundles nerve fibers into fasicles?
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what are all spinal nerves?
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what is cranial nerve 10?
Vagus nerve
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what are dermatones?
the areas of the body innervated by the spinal nerves
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what do dermatones shown?
neurologists sites of damage
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what is the nerve fibres enclosed with blood vessel with?
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how many peripheral cranial nerves are there?
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Cranial nerves 3 to 7 are what?
from the forebrain
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what is RAMI? whats it important for?
spinal nerve branch, important for patterns of regulation
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what are the divisions of the PNS split into?
somatic and visceral, afferent and efferent
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what are most post ganglionic sympathetic receptors? what hormone?
adrenergic (noradrenaline/adrenaline)
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are pre or post ganglionic neurons usually myelinated?
usually pre ganglionic
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how do autonomic efferents work?
connect with other cells in a ganglion-this cell innervates muscles/glands
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what do somatic efferent axons go straight to?
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sympathetic ganglia are close to what?
close to spinal cord
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what does the diencephalon form?
thalamus, hypothalamus, subthalamus, pineal gland
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what are interneurons important in?
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external disturbance of flow of CSF causes what?
hydroencephaly,blockages, swelling of vesicles blood supply compromised
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way to remember how a transverse section is cut?
you can pull it up and down the body like trousers
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name parts of the mesencephalon?
substania nigra, reticular formation, nucleus ruber, tectum,cerebral pefuncles
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what are the substantia nigra and nucleus ruber involved in?
the regulation of movement
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what is the 3 parts to the reticular activating system
Circadian rhythm, alertness and emotions
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what does the diencephalon contain?
thalamus, hypothalamus,pineal gland
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what part of the brain is the diencephalon in?
forebrain (links midbrain and cerebrum)
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what special sense does the thalamus NOT process?
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what is the thalamus roles?
motor role, arousal + emotion, higher functions, processing and relay centre
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what is it called when you see sounds?
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Hypothalamus role?
eating, drinking, sexual behaviour, stress
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what are sulci?
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what are the 6 main lobes?
frontal, parietal, temporal, occipital, central (insula(+), limbic
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where is wernickes area?
posterior temporal lobe
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defect in wernickes area causses what?
receptive aphasia
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what makes up the corpus striatum?
caudate + putamen
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what do pyrimidal cells contain many of?
apical dendrites
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features of olfactory cells?
they are bipolar with cilia, have to be replaced throughout life, no axons as have dendrodendricitic synapses
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the glia limitan is formed by astrocytes between what?
between pia mater and cerebral cortex
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what is the glia limitans?
a thin layer of astrocyte foot processes associated with the parachymal basal lamina surrounding SC and brain
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what does the metencephalon form?
pons and cerebellum
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what do bergmann cells do? where are they found?
adult brain stem cells, span in cerebellum, span from pia to purkinje cell
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astrocytes act like syncytium which allow spatial buffering, whats a syncytium?
fused (but not fused) multinucleate
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what mutants do you get with PLP?
jimpy & rumpshaker
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what are the enzymes in the CNS?
carbonic anhydrase, cyclic nucleotide phosphodiesterase,Ig (MOG + MAG) lipid metabolism, proteases
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what are the proteins in the PNS?
P0, MBP and PMP-22
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what does a mutation in the P0 protein cause?
charcot marie tooth syndrome 1b
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what does chemical activity provide?
chemical neurotransmitters allow flexibility eg inhibition
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what is the difference in how infomation is coded by action potentials and graded potentials?
action potentials- frequency graded potentials- size
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what are the properties of graded potentials?
variable in size, not pass over long distances, can go both ways
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what do astrocytes enwrap?
oricesses, synapses and blood vessels
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what is an example of a bipolar neuron?
bipolar retinal cells
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what are type 1 golgi?
long axons
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what is an example of a unipolar neuron?
dorsal root ganglion
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where are fibrous astrocytes found?
white matter
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are protoplasmic or fibrous astrocytes shorter?
protoplasmic usually shorter stouter processes
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what are examples of multipolar axons?
motor neurons, cerebellar granule cells, pyramidal cells and purkinje cells
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what dendritic field do motor neurons have?
a symmetrical dendritic field
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what happens when astrocytes uptake transmitters?
glutamate into astrocytes, Y amino butryic acid
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3 types of ependyma?
tanycytes, ependmocytes
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which is not a secondary brain vesicle?
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name the association fibres?
arcuate fibres,longlitudinal fasciculli
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what does the telecephalon form?
cerebral hemispheres containing cortex, basal ganglia, hippocampus, corpus striatum,
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the proscephalon splits into what?
DT- dicephalon and telecephalon
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what are the 5 secondary vesicles?
dicepehlon, telecephalon, myetecepholon, mescenphalon and metencephalon
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what does the myencephalon form?
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what does the deiencephalon form?
thalamus,hypothalamus, pineal gland, subthalamus, optic nerve
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name a region where tonocytes are found?
in the hippocampus
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what dendritic field do purkinje cells have?
planar dendritic field
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what are temporal summations?
potentials add up over time
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what are spatial summation?
multiple stimulus gives larger EPSP
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what do lidocaine and tetrodoxin target?
Na channels
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what can reduce aps in graded potentials?
chloride flow, inhibitory post synaptic potentials
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when do IPSP have no effect?
resting potentials
185 of 266
features of metabotropic?
slower more complex, signal amplification, multiple channels affected, modulators
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what makes a dense line on myelin?
linked INternal proteins (MAJOR period)
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what is the periocidity of the CNS?
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how much of myelin is made up of water?
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a defect in what causes jimpy mouse and rumpshaker?
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what is injecting MBP and inducing experimental allergic encephalomyelitis a model for?
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what are the other CNS Myelin protein that are Ig like moleucles?
MOG, MAG and oligo-axon communication
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what areas are vunerable to MS?
periventricular white matter, holey bits
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what does guillan barre syndrome happen as a result of? example?
after viral/bac infection eg capylobacter jejuni
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what does guillan barre syndrome cause?
acute inflammatory response, primary demyelination
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name commisural fibres?
internal capsule, interior commisure, corpus callosum
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what happens at 7 months of developments?
lobed cerebrum
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when myeln starts to form the composition changes and theres an increase in what?
galactolipids and protein components
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fetal alcohol syndrome consequences?
microcephaly, motor+intellectual impairment, disturbed migration, irritability, loss of cells and fibres, facial abnormaities
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Consequences of ecstasy?
long term effects on hippocampus
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what is the speed of conduction at 6-12m
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how many weeks does the DRG connect to the spinal cord (non noxious)?
8 weeks
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how many weeks is there connections from the thalamus to cortex and cortical responses shown by imaging?
24 weeks
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when do the retinal inputs arrive?
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when does rooting (****** seeking) go?
4-7 months
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what are vesicles?
fluid filled swellings at the rostral end of the tube?
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name dura layers inside out
dueral mater (menigeal layer), dura sinus, dura mater (endosteal layer)
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brainstem important why?
housekeeping nuclei, decussation, ascending and decensding tract
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what is the pyramidal tract (brainstem) made up of?
mostly motor fibres
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what are the major features of the medulla oblongata?
fibre tracts, nuceli for CVS+resp, olives to link to cerebellum, nerve roots
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what is the difference between olives and peduncles as both make connections to the cerebellum?
cerebellum peduncles- pons, olives- medulla oblongata
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roles of the cerebellum?
muscle tone, co-ordination motor error checking and learning
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mesencephalon made up of what?
tectum (colliculi) substantia nigra, nucleus ruber
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what part of the brain has cerebral peduncles?
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reticular activating system 3 roles?
circadian rhythm,alertness,emotion
215 of 266
reticular formation involves?
RAS, CVS, and brainstem neuron clusters
216 of 266
diencephalon contains?
thalamus, hypothalamus, pineal
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roles of thalamus not including sensory processing?
motor role, arousal, emotional and higher functions
218 of 266
what is the PNS made up of?
nerves AND cell bodies to/from brain+SC
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some PNS cells are found somewhere else, where?
PNS cells lie in the CNS eg neurons innervating muscle (motorneurons)
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how many pairs of peripheral nerves enter exit the brain+SC?
43 pairs
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tetraethylammonium (TEA) poison blocks which channels?
K channels
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para and sympathetic use what neurotransmitter for pre ganglionic?
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what neurotransmitter for post ganglionic symapthetic?
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what is the speed of small unmyelinated axons (0.2-1.5um?
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what pump uses up 70% of the energy in the brain?
K/N ATPase pump
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why so many unmyelinated small axons?
because the space constant (high m resistance is reduced by high internal resistance) metabolic +volume constraints
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why does diameter influence the conduction velocity?
resistance is inversely proprotional to cross sectional area of the axon
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what does myelination do to the space constant?
increases it
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what is the space constant?
the distance from site of depolarization where it has fallen to 37%
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whats the max speed of squid axons?
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2 types of electrical signals?
1) action potentials 2) graded potentials
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what do graded potentials work by?
excitatory post synaptic potentials
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examples of electrical synapse places?
cardiac and smooth muscle, retinal neuronal
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selectivity of membrane provided by what?
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unequal charge distribution provided by what?
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what is the rising phase?
inside -ve, there is a large driving force of Na rushes into cell depolarising it
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what is the overshoot?
where equilibrium is above 0mv, its where the permeability of the membrane favours sodium, close to sodium equilibrium potential
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what is the absolute refractory period?
no aps generated for period of time as Na channels inactivated, membrane needs to be -ve again to deactivate
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what is he undershoot?
open voltage gated K channels add to the resting potential permeability, toward EK
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what the relative refractory period?
stronger stimulus needed to generate an ap, threshold is higher
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what happens in the falling phase?
voltage gated K channels open and k ions rush out, sodium channels inacitvate
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what is the ionic driving force proportional to?
membrane potential - equilibrium potential
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what causes channels to open?
a stimulus eg activation of a stretch or thermal receptor or an excitatory chemical neurotransmitter
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what explains why an action potential is so quick?
rapid inactivation of vg sodium channels in1 msec
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whats another name for voltage gated potassium channels?
delayed rectifying channels
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what kind of junction is the chemical junction?
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how big is the synaptic cleft/gap?
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what kind of infomation processing do syanpses allow?
flexible, elaborate, subtle and complex
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how do synapses change?
can shrink, grow, move position, change shape
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what do larger synapses usually have more of?
active zones
251 of 266
4 Types of synapses?
axodendritic, axosomatic, axoaxonic, dedndrodendritic
252 of 266
3 types of transmittrs?
acetylcholine, amino acids, biogenic amines
253 of 266
what amino acid transmitters are there?
aspartic acid, GABA, glycine and glutamic acid
254 of 266
steps of transmission in order?
1) synthesis 2) storage 3) relase 4) postsynaptic effects 5) inactivation
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where are neuropeptides synthesised? what are they stored in?
syn in soma, stored in secretory granules
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what neurotransmiters are synthesised and packed at the synaptic terminal?
Acetylcholine, amines and amini acids
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where does calcium move in synaptic transmission?
inside the axon
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what is the concentration of calcium outside in synaptic transmission/
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how much neurotransmitter does synaptic vesicles contain?
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how is a qunata established?
the vesicles at a synapse release nearly the same amount of neurotransmitter each time
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2 main types of receptors in synaptic transmission?
1) ligand-gated ion channel (ionotropic) 2) G-protein coupled receptor (metabotropic)
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who figured out that Ach was released from motor nerves using dogs, cats and frogs?
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What did Loewi do?
chemical neurotransmission found Vagustoff in dogs
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who defined the synapse using CAD (cats apes dogs?)
Sherrington. [also looked at motor control, relefexes+ localisation]
265 of 266
who formulated receptor, named the ANS theory using CD and rabbits?
266 of 266

Other cards in this set

Card 2


what disease does the substantia nigra have a role in?



Card 3


what role does the reticular activating system have?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what does the thalamus do?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


what does the pineal gland do?


Preview of the front of card 5
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