Neurons and synaptic transmission

The basic building blocks of the nervous system, neurons are nerve cells that process and transmit messages through electrical and chemical signals.
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Sensory neurons
These carry messages from the PNS to the CNS. They have long dendrites and short axons.
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Relay neurons
These connect the sensory neurons to the motor or other relay neurons. They have short dendrites and short axons.
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Motor neurons
These connect the CNS to effectors such as muscles and glands. They have short dendrites and long axons.
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Synaptic transmission
The process by which neighbouring neurons communicate with each other by sending chemical messages across the gap (the synaptic cleft) that separates them.
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Brain chemicals released from synaptic vesicles that relay signals across the synapse from one neuron to another. They can be divided into either excitatory or inhibitory function.
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When a neurotransmitter, such as adrenaline, increases the positive charge of the postsynaptic neuron. This increases the likelihood that the neuron will fire and pass on the electrical impulse.
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When a neurotransmitter, such as serotonin, makes the charge of the postsynaptic neuron more negative. This decreases the likelihood that the neuron will fire and pass on the electrical impulse.
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Card 2


These carry messages from the PNS to the CNS. They have long dendrites and short axons.


Sensory neurons

Card 3


These connect the sensory neurons to the motor or other relay neurons. They have short dendrites and short axons.


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Card 4


These connect the CNS to effectors such as muscles and glands. They have short dendrites and long axons.


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Card 5


The process by which neighbouring neurons communicate with each other by sending chemical messages across the gap (the synaptic cleft) that separates them.


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