nervous system 3 physiology

Nervous System 3: The Central Nervous System


1.      Identify the components of the CNS as the brain and spinal cord

2.      Locate and outline the functions of the cerebral hemispheres, the diencephalon, the brain stem and the cerebellum

3.      Differentiate between the grey matter and white matter of the CNS and locate each within the brain and spinal cord

4.      Explain what are gyri and sulci

5.      Explain what are nuclei within the brain

6.      Explain that the cerebral cortex contains motor areas, sensory areas and association areas

7.      Locate the following motor and sensory areas and describe the role of each:

a.      Premotor cortex

b.      Primary motor area

c.      Broca’s ar


1. which is not a part of the brain

  • conus medullaris
  • cerebellum
  • cerebral hemispheres
  • diencephalon
  • brain stem
1 of 23

Other questions in this quiz

2. which is false of the cerebral hemisphere

  • the hemispheres can be divided into three portions superficial cortex: white matter, internal grey matter and the basal nuclei
  • obscure the diencephalon and upper brainstem
  • divides into 5 lobes
  • shallow grooves are called sulci and divide hemispheres into lobes
  • two large fissures Longitudinal and transverse

3. the insula is found deep to the cerbral cortex

  • True
  • False

4. basal nuclei could be expalined as islands of white matter within grey matter

  • False
  • True

5. which is true of the cerebral cortex

  • each hemisphere deals with motor and sensory functions of the ipsilateral side
  • houses tracts
  • voluntary movements are initiated in the cerebral cortex
  • functionally there are three areas within the cerebral cortex motor, sensory and autonomic areas
  • subconcious propreoception occurs in the cerebral cortex


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