Nervous system

What are the 3 functions of the nervous system?
1. sensory input
2. integrate
3. motor output
1 of 22
What does afferent mean?
'going to'
this is the sensory devision of the peripheral nervous system
2 of 22
what does the central nervous system consist of?
brain and spinal chord
3 of 22
what des efferent mean?
'responding to'
this is the motor devision of the peripheral nervous system
4 of 22
In order for the afferent neurone to send an impulse to the CNS, where do the impulses stem from?
skin, skeletal muscles, joints and organs
5 of 22
In order for the afferent neurone to react to the CNS, where does it send the impulse to?
Organs, muscles and glands
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The efferent part of the peripheral system has 2 parts. What are these?
Somatic (voluntary - we can decide whether to respond or not. It's to do with skeletal muscles)
Autonomic (involuntary - our body will do it without us knowing. It's to do with smooth muscles in organs, cardia muscle and glands i.e. heart pumping, homeost
7 of 22
What are nerve cells?
They're neurone which are excitable cells that transmit electrical impulses
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Most neurone cell bodies are in the CNS. Are these mostly white or grey matter?
Grey matter
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What is a collection of neurone's in the CNS called?
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what is a collection of neurone's in the peripheral system called?
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What do neurone's require a lot of to function properly?
Oxygen and glucose
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Think of a labelled diagram of a nerve cell. What is the part that, the thicker it is, the faster that nerve cell responds?
Myelin sheath (this is white)
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What are the 'hairy' bits at the top of a nerve cell called?
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What does amitotic mean?
When a neurone looses it's ability to replicate. This happens when a neurone is specialised
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Name 3 things the dendrites do
1. provide huge surface area for reception of signals from other neurons
2. convey messages TOWARDS the cell body
3. surrounds branching extension close to the cell body
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Name 4 things about the axon
1. the axon is the single part that is the tail from the cell body
2. they vary in size. some are short, some are long
3. generates and transmits nerve messages AWAY from the cell body down to the axonal terminals
4. The impulse in the terminal, causes se
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What's a synapse?
The gap between 2 neurons allowing for a signal to be transferred from one to the other
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What is a neurotransmitter?
the molecule that transfers from one neuron to another in a synapse
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What part of the brain does homeostasis take place in?
The hypothalamus
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What part of our brain develops, stores and updates motor skills responsible for our unconscious movement?
21 of 22
What's the 5 steps of a simple reflex?
1. receptor (stimuli)
2. afferent (sensory) neuron
3. CNS (acts like the switch board to receive the message then send the message to the next step
4. efferent (motor) neuron
5. effector (muscle)
22 of 22

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What does afferent mean?


'going to'
this is the sensory devision of the peripheral nervous system

Card 3


what does the central nervous system consist of?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what des efferent mean?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


In order for the afferent neurone to send an impulse to the CNS, where do the impulses stem from?


Preview of the front of card 5
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