Nazi Party

  • Created by: sharonn.0
  • Created on: 19-04-22 18:48
when did Hitler join German Workers Party
January 1919
1 of 20
what was Hitler known for
Passionate and skilled speeches
2 of 20
when did the German Workers Party re brand
in 1920, National Socialist German Workers Party
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what was the twenty five point programme
- treaty of versailles should be abolished
- all German speakers should unite
- only Germans can be classed as citizens
- improves pensions and land reforms
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why did Hitler attempt the Munich Putsch
- the Weimar Republic was weak
- hyperinflation was at its peak
- Germans was angry about invasion of Ruhr
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what did Hitler do when he was imprisoned
he wrote Mein Kampf
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when did the Wall Street Crash happen
in October 1929
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what happened in the Wall Street Crash
USA couldn't afford to prop up the German economy any longer
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what did the Wall Street Crash cause
- the German's economy collapsed without American aid
- there was mass unemployment
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who was the chancellor in 1932
Franz von Papen
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who was the most popular party in July 1932
the Nazi
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what power did the Enabling Act give Hitler
- let him govern for four years without parliament
- gave Hitler the right make laws without the Reichstag's approval for the next four years.
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why was the SA a threat
because the members were loyal to the SA leader
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what Hitler do on 29th - 30th June
sent men to arrest or kill Rohm
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What was the night of long knives
Hitler declared the people plotting on him to killed and it was legal
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what was the Gestapo job
to protect public safety and order
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what did Nazi propaganda do
unit the Germans and convince them the Nazi would make Germany strong
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what happened to the Catholic Church
- Catholic Church was banned from speaking against Nazi party
- Catholic Church agreed to stay out of German politics
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who were the Swing Kids
groups of young people who rebelled against the tight control of the Nazi
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what were women expected to do
- banned from being lawyers
- women were expected to dress plainly
- girls studied cookery
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


what was Hitler known for


Passionate and skilled speeches

Card 3


when did the German Workers Party re brand


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


what was the twenty five point programme


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


why did Hitler attempt the Munich Putsch


Preview of the front of card 5
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