Nazi germany - key individuals

  • Created by: rosie
  • Created on: 10-06-24 17:41
Kaiser Wilhelm 2
ruler of Germany until 1918
1 of 18
Friedrich Ebert
first President - SPD leader
2 of 18
Karl Liebknecht and Rosa Luxemburg
leaders of Spartacist Revolt
3 of 18
Wolfgang Kapp
led kapp putsch
4 of 18
Gustav Stresemann
Chancellor Aug - Nov 1923
foreign minister after this until death in 1929
5 of 18
Dawes Plan
Locarno Pact
League of Nations
Kellogg-Briand Pact
Young Plan
1924 - withdrawal from Ruhr, US loans, realistic payment dates
1925 - respected borders
1926 - international power
1928 - no violence
1929 - reduced reparations and increased deadline
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7 of 18
Adolf Hitler
(leader of the Nazis 1920 - death)
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Anton drexler
previous DAP leader
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Heinrich Bruning
Chancellor - helped economy but caused the standard of living to fall
relied on article 48
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President of Germany
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Franz von Papen
Chancellor after Bruning
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Ernst rohm
Night of Long Knives - threat to hitler, SA leader
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Minister of Propaganda
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chief of all German police
15 of 18
Reinhard heydrich
ran the SD
16 of 18
jesse Owens
black, undermined Hitler's message
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the Pope
signed Concordat 1933
letter to Catholics, spoke out in 1937
18 of 18

Other cards in this set

Card 2


first President - SPD leader


Friedrich Ebert

Card 3


leaders of Spartacist Revolt


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


led kapp putsch


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Chancellor Aug - Nov 1923
foreign minister after this until death in 1929


Preview of the back of card 5
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