natural hazards

  • Created by: Iona112
  • Created on: 03-04-22 11:09
what is a natural hazard
a natural event that has had a huge social impact
1 of 10
different types of natural hazards
- volcanic eruptions
- earthquakes
- storms
- tsunami
- landslides
- floods
2 of 10
what is a hazard risk
the chance or probability of being affected by a natural event
people live in risky areas because they
- accept the risk after weighing the advantages and disadvantages
- have little choice on where to live
3 of 10
what factors affect hazard risk
- urbanisation, population density
- poverty
- climate change
- farming
- capacity to cope
- level of preparation
- hazard type, frequency and magnitude
4 of 10
how does urbanisation increase the risk from natural hazards
- over 50% of the world's population now live in cities
- densely populated areas concentrate those at risk
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how does poverty increase the risk from natural hazards
- expensive housing leads to building on risky ground
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how does farming increase the risk from natural hazards
the attraction of nutrient- rich floodplains puts people at risk
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how does climate change increase the risk from natural hazards
global warming raises sea levels and generates more extreme weather
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how does how equipped a country is affect climate change
- HIC are often better equipped than LICs to deal with the impacts of natural hazards
they are able to build defences, evacuate people, provide swift medical assistance and rebuild quickly
9 of 10
how does the nature of the natural hazard affect hazard risk
- some hazards can be predicted giving people and governments time to prepare and evacuate, while over hazards cant be
- some hazards occur more frequently
- some have greater risks such as greater magnitude
10 of 10

Other cards in this set

Card 2


- volcanic eruptions
- earthquakes
- storms
- tsunami
- landslides
- floods


different types of natural hazards

Card 3


the chance or probability of being affected by a natural event
people live in risky areas because they
- accept the risk after weighing the advantages and disadvantages
- have little choice on where to live


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


- urbanisation, population density
- poverty
- climate change
- farming
- capacity to cope
- level of preparation
- hazard type, frequency and magnitude


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


- over 50% of the world's population now live in cities
- densely populated areas concentrate those at risk


Preview of the back of card 5
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