Natural Hazards

  • Created by: Riya2105
  • Created on: 24-10-19 10:44
Natural Hazards
extreme natural events that can cause loss of life, extreme damage to property and disrupt human activities
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Tectonic Hazards
Hazards caused by the movement of plates
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Climatic Hazards
Hazards that occur when a region has certain weather conditions
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Tectonic Hazards Examples
Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Mountain Avalanches
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Climatic Hazards Examples
Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Storms, Droughts
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Layers Of The Earth
Inner Core, Outer Core, Mantle, Crust
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Inner Core
in the centre and is the hottest part of the Earth. It is solid and made up of iron and nickel with temperatures of up to 5,500°C
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Outer Core
is the layer surrounding the inner core. It is a liquid layer, also made up of iron and nickel
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is the thickest section of the Earth at approximately 2,900 km. The mantle is made up of semi-molten rock called magma
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is the outer layer of the Earth. It is a thin layer between 0 - 60 km thick. The crust is the solid rock layer upon which we live
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Continental Crust
The surface of the Earth's crust found underneath large land masses
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Oceanic Crust
The surface of the Earth's crust found underneath the oceans, forming the ocean floor
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Convection Currents
A movement within the Earth's mantle caused by the heat of the core
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Ring Of Fire
A group of volcanoes found along the plate margin of the pacific plate
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Destructive Plate Margin
When two tectonic plates move towards one another. The oceanic crust is subducted into the mantle. When the plate sinks into the mantle it melts to form magma. The pressure of the magma builds up beneath the Earth's surface.
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Constructive Plate Margin
the plates move apart from one another. When this happens the magma from the mantle rises up to make (or construct) new land in the form of a shield volcano. The movement of the plates over the mantle can cause earthquakes.
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Conservative Plate Margin
The plates move past each other/are side by side moving at different speeds.As the plates move,friction occurs and plates become stuck. Pressure builds up because the plates are still trying to move.When the pressure is released, earthquakes occur.
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Collision Plate Margin
If two continental plates collide, neither can sink and so the land buckles upwards to form fold mountains. This is called a collision margin. Earthquakes can occur at collision margins.
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Sudden, violent shaking of the ground due to the movement of the Earth's plates
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The focus of an earthquake is the point where the rocks start to fracture. It is the origin of the earthquake
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Directly above the focus on the Earth's surface is the earthquake epicenter. Earthquake waves start at he focus and travel outward in all directions
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Seismic Waves
Seismic waves are waves of energy that travel through the Earth's layers, and are a result of earthquakes, volcanic eruptions, magma movement
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Richter Scale
Measures the magnitude (strength) of an earthquake
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A machine that detects seismic waves caused by earthquakes
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Effects Of Earthquakes
Size of earthquake, Level of development, depth of focus, Population density, Time of day
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Short Term And Immediate Responses
a response in the days and weeks immediately after a disaster has happened. Short-term responses mainly involve search and rescue and helping the injured.
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Long-Term Responses
responses that go on for months and years after a disaster. It involves rebuilding destroyed houses, schools, hospitals, etc. It also involves kick-starting the local economy.
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Involves using seismometers to monitor Earth's tremors
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involves constructing buildings so that they are safe to live in and will not collapse
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In earthquake-prone countries, hospitals, emergency services and residents practise for an earthquake. They have drills in all public buildings so that people know what to do in the event of an earthquake
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Molten rock that is found within the Earth
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Molten rock that is released from the Earth's core in a volcanic eruption
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Magma Chamber
Where molten rock is stored beneath the ground
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Main Vent
this is the channel through which magma travels to reach the Earth's surface
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Secondary Vent
some magma may escape through the side of the volcano, particularly if the main vent becomes blocked
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this is found at the top of the volcano, where the magma erupts from
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Pyroclastic Flow
A current of hot gas and rock that flows downhill at high speed
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Composite Volcanoes
Built from layers of pyroclastic material at destructive plate margin, steep coned shape
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Characteristics of Composite Volcanoes
Acidic lava (sticky), steep sides, violent eruptions
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Shield Volcanoes
Found on constructive plate margins
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Characteristics of Shield Volcanoes
Basic lava (runny), no layers, less violent eruptions
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measures any changes in the tilt of the landscape
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Hazards caused by the movement of plates


Tectonic Hazards

Card 3


Hazards that occur when a region has certain weather conditions


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Earthquakes, Tsunamis, Volcanoes, Mountain Avalanches


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Flooding, Tornadoes, Tropical Storms, Droughts


Preview of the back of card 5
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