Multisensory Processing

The Otolith Organ is made up of what?
Anterior, Lateral and Posterior Semicircular Canals, Utricle, Saccule and Cochlea
1 of 25
What are the Macula?
Patches of hair cells inside each Otolith Organ.
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The vestibular hair cells consist of a single tall hair called a what and a series of short hairs called what?
Koniocilium; Stereocilium
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The stereocilium and koniocilum are not quite mechanoreceptors in that...
They release chemicals which hyperpolarises/depolarises the post synaptic cells, consequently sending a message to the 8th cranial nerve.
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The semicircular canal has two facets in it called what, sensitive to what?
The Christa (hair cells) and Capula (moved by fluid in the canal)
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The fluid in the capula is called what?
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What is retinal flow?
movement of self through the environment
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Complex tasks in multi sensory integration refer to what?
Expansion of objects moving closer and lateral movement representing it getting closer.
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Which brain cells are attuned to translational motion?
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What is translational motion?
something moving across the visual scene
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Why can MT also detect expansion and contraction in motion?
due to its connections with MST
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Where is MT?
In the temporal area
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The Human Motion complex is made up of...?
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Which areas respond to global flow/ patterns consistent with ego motion?
Ventral Intraparietal Area/ Posterior Insula Cortex
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What is global flow?
Circular motion inconsistent with self motion, detected by Ventral Intraparietal Cortex & Posterior Insular Cortex
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Yaw/Pitch/Roll results in..?
Movement of fluid within the capula that pushes capula and sends information to the brain via the 8th Cranial Nerve.
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The Cranial Nerves connect which parts of the Vestibular System?
Vestibular Organs to Brain Stem.
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Which canal operates the push pull system?
Posterior Canal
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The push pull systems inhibits the contralateral side to that that is stimulated. It also...?
Triggers the ocular-motor reflex
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The push pull system exists for the primary function of what?
combining visual input to decipher what is related to self motion and what is related to exterior motion.
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What is the Torsional Ocular Reflex?
Tilting your head to the right will result in the eyes moving to the left, and vice versa.
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Single cell recordings indicate what with regards to cancelling head motion?
specific cells in the dorsal stream network can detect congruent/incongruent motion RE the self and the environment
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Which areas of the dorsal stream network are specifically concerned with cancelling motion?
Dorsal Medial superior Temporal area (MSTd) and Ventral Intra Parietal (VIP
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In humans, what studies can be used to detect patterns of activation?
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What is GVS?
Galvanic Vestibular Stimulation: stimulates vestibular organs to induce feeling of head roll.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What are the Macula?


Patches of hair cells inside each Otolith Organ.

Card 3


The vestibular hair cells consist of a single tall hair called a what and a series of short hairs called what?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


The stereocilium and koniocilum are not quite mechanoreceptors in that...


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The semicircular canal has two facets in it called what, sensitive to what?


Preview of the front of card 5
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