Multi-store model of memory

What is the sensory register?
5 memory stores for each sense.
1 of 6
Duration, Capacity and coding of short-term memory?
18-30 seconds, 5-9 items, Acoustic.
2 of 6
Duration, Capacity and coding of long-term memory?
Potentially a lifetime, Potentially unlimited, Semantic.
3 of 6
Name an evaluation point for the MSM.
Strength - Research support.
Baddeley (1966) - Found that we mix up words that sound similar using the STM and mix up words that have similar meanings in the LTM.
This suggests these two memory stores are separate and independent.
4 of 6
Name another evaluation point for the MSM.
Limitation - Evidence suggests there is more than one type of STM.
Shallice and Warrington (1970) studied KF, a patient with amnesia. He had trouble remembering digits read out to him but didn't have any trouble when he read them himself.
Suggests there i
5 of 6
Name another evaluation point for the MSM.
Limitation - Only explains one type of rehearsal; Maintenance.
Craik and Watkins (1973) argue there are two typed of rehearsal.
Elaborative rehearsal is needed for long term storage. This occurs when you link information to your knowledge or process it.
6 of 6

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Duration, Capacity and coding of short-term memory?


18-30 seconds, 5-9 items, Acoustic.

Card 3


Duration, Capacity and coding of long-term memory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name an evaluation point for the MSM.


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name another evaluation point for the MSM.


Preview of the front of card 5
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