Other questions in this quiz

2. alcohol is a recreational drug. Which one of the following is an effect of alcohol on the cardiovascular system?

  • Alcohol decreases lung volume
  • Alcohol lowers blood pressure
  • Alcohol increases blood pressure
  • Alcohol increases oxygen debt

3. Which one of the following words correctly describes the term 'blood shunting'?

  • The movement of blood to ensure an equal amount is always present throughout the body
  • A process to ensure an appropriate supply of blood reaches the muscles during exercise
  • Redistribution of blood from active to inactive areas of the body
  • A process of increasing blood in the body that can lead to heart attack or stroke

4. Diet is an important consideration in a healthy, active lifestyle. Which one of the following correctly identifies the role of fibre in the diet?

  • Aids digestion
  • Is an energy source
  • Prevents dehydration
  • Increases strength of bones

5. Which one of the following nutrients should form the largest proportion of our diet?

  • Fats
  • Proteins
  • Carbohydrates
  • Vitamins


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