Morality and Justice

Fairness; equality.
1 of 10
Concerned with the fair allocation of the benefits and responsibilities of life.
Distributive justice
2 of 10
Marx's model of distributive justice, embodied in his slogan: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."
3 of 10
The object of justice is maximising happiness and minimising pain for the greatest number of people in society.
4 of 10
A system in which the burdens and benefits of society are distributed in an equitable manner.
Social justice
5 of 10
"A set of beliefs, values, principles and standards of behaviour." (Phil Harris); "Determined by man's will, rather than law."
6 of 10
"A body of rules fixed and enforced, issued by a sovereign political authority to an inferior and enforced by coercion." (John Austin)
7 of 10
Law is a legal rule which, if made in the manner recognised by the legislative power of the state, is valid - irrespective of the morality of its content.
Legal positivism
8 of 10
The validity of man-made laws is contingent upon their compatibility with a higher, moral authority.
Natural law
9 of 10
The maxim coined by John Stuart Mill which states that an individual's private conduct can only be restricted where it brings harm to other individuals.
Harm principle
10 of 10

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Card 2


Concerned with the fair allocation of the benefits and responsibilities of life.


Distributive justice

Card 3


Marx's model of distributive justice, embodied in his slogan: "from each according to his ability, to each according to his need."


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Card 4


The object of justice is maximising happiness and minimising pain for the greatest number of people in society.


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Card 5


A system in which the burdens and benefits of society are distributed in an equitable manner.


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