Monasteries and Health

Why were monasteries important?
• Throughout the medieval period, there were over 1,000 monasteries built all over the England.
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Why were they important contd.
• No free healthcare provided by the government. Monasteries gave people free care, as many couldn't afford a private physician.
• They also preserved ancient ideas about medicine.
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What were monasteries like?
• Run by monks and nuns.
• The conditions in monasteries were generally cleaner and more hygienic than those in towns.
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What were they like contd.
• They often had a supply of running water, as they were usually built near a river. The river would be used to carry away sewage and provide clean drinking water.
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What were they like contd.
Every monastery had a library. Monks would copy out the works of Galen and Hippocrates. This was important in preserving this work, which would later be built on during the Renaissance.
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Care at a monastery
• Most monasteries had an infirmary for treating monks, nuns, abbots or abbesses
who were ill. It also treated local people.
• Treatment and care were given by monks and nuns, not trained physicians.
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Card 2


Why were they important contd.


• No free healthcare provided by the government. Monasteries gave people free care, as many couldn't afford a private physician.
• They also preserved ancient ideas about medicine.

Card 3


What were monasteries like?


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Card 4


What were they like contd.


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Card 5


What were they like contd.


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