Models and Communication

Once scientists have made a new discovery, they don't just keep it to themselves. Time to learn about how scientific discoveries are communicated, and the models that are used to represent theories.

Once scientists have made a new discovery, do they keep it to themselves?
1 of 13
How do scientist test models?
They carry out experiments to check that the predictions made by the model happen as expected.
2 of 13
Can theories involve different types of models?
3 of 13
What are the two main types of models? (2)
1) Representational models. 2) Computational models.
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What are representational model?
A simplified description or picture of what's going on in real life.
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What can all models be used to explain and make? (2)
1) Expalin observations. 2)Make predictions.
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What are computational models? (e.g.)
They use computers to make simulations of complex real-life processes, e.g. climate change.
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When are computational models used? Why?
When there are a lot of different variables (factors that change) to consider, and because you can easily change their design to take into account new data.
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What models have limitations on what?
What they can explain or predict.
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Why do scientists need to communicate their scienctific discoveries to the general public?
Because some scientifc discoveries show that people should change their habits, or they might provide ideas that could be developed into new technology.
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What are radioactive materials used widely in? For what?
In medicine for imagine and treatment.
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Why can scientifc evidence be presented in a biased way?
1 Scientific discoveries that are reported in the media aren’t peer reviewed. 2 Data might be presented in a way that is over-simplified or inaccurate (making it open to misinterpretation) 3 When wanting to make a point, people might present data in
12 of 13
How can companies be biased to sell their prpducts?
Only want you to see half of the story.
13 of 13

Other cards in this set

Card 2


How do scientist test models?


They carry out experiments to check that the predictions made by the model happen as expected.

Card 3


Can theories involve different types of models?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the two main types of models? (2)


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are representational model?


Preview of the front of card 5
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