Mock FLK1 Part 1

A woman is setting up a business in partnership with an ex-colleague. Both have significant expertise in the relevant business sector, are contributing the same amount of time and capital and are in agreement as to the fundamental aspects of the partnersh
The solicitor can act because the parties have a substantially common interest in relation to the matter and they have both given their informed written consent.
1 of 4
A client is setting up a new business with a friend. The business will sell luxury bespoke furniture. The client is a successful businessman who has four properties including a large country house where he lives with his family. He also owns four luxury s
A limited liability partnership (with both as members) or a private limited company.
2 of 4
A solicitor acts for a claimant in personal injury proceedings claiming damages of £30,000 plus interest. The proceedings are defended and include an allegation of fifty percent contributory negligence. Both parties agree that the trial of the claim will
County Court Multi-track because of the financial value
3 of 4
On 1 January, a supplier sent a letter to their wholesale customers offering to supply them with goods for the sum of £10,000. The supplier advised that this offer would be kept open until 31 January. A week after making the offer the supplier realised th
As the customers sent their acceptance by post the supplier is obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
4 of 4

Other cards in this set

Card 2


A client is setting up a new business with a friend. The business will sell luxury bespoke furniture. The client is a successful businessman who has four properties including a large country house where he lives with his family. He also owns four luxury s


A limited liability partnership (with both as members) or a private limited company.

Card 3


A solicitor acts for a claimant in personal injury proceedings claiming damages of £30,000 plus interest. The proceedings are defended and include an allegation of fifty percent contributory negligence. Both parties agree that the trial of the claim will


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


On 1 January, a supplier sent a letter to their wholesale customers offering to supply them with goods for the sum of £10,000. The supplier advised that this offer would be kept open until 31 January. A week after making the offer the supplier realised th


Preview of the front of card 4


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