Mock FLK1 Part 1


1. On 1 January, a supplier sent a letter to their wholesale customers offering to supply them with goods for the sum of £10,000. The supplier advised that this offer would be kept open until 31 January. A week after making the offer the supplier realised th

  • As the supplier promised to keep the offer open until 31 January they are obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
  • As the customers sent their acceptance by post the supplier is obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
  • As the supplier has effectively communicated that they have revoked the offer they are not obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
  • As the customers have not communicated their acceptance the supplier is not obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
  • As the supplier has not received the letter of acceptance they are not obliged to sell the goods for £10,000.
1 of 5

Other questions in this quiz

2. A woman is setting up a business in partnership with an ex-colleague. Both have significant expertise in the relevant business sector, are contributing the same amount of time and capital and are in agreement as to the fundamental aspects of the partnersh

  • The solicitor cannot act because both parties are competing for the same objective and as such it would not be reasonable to act for them both.
  • The solicitor can act because both parties are competing for the same objective and they have given their informed consent
  • The solicitor cannot act because there would be a conflict of interest or a significant risk of such a conflict between two current clients.
  • The solicitor can act because the parties have a substantially common interest in relation to the matter and they have both given their informed written consent.
  • The solicitor can act because there would be no conflict of interest or significant risk of such a conflict between two current clients.

3. A taxi driver carelessly failed to stop at a junction, which was marked with a give way sign. As a result, the taxi collided with an oncoming van. The van driver was driving at 5 mph above the speed limit at the time of the accident. The passenger in the

  • Yes, because the taxi driver breached the duty of care that he owed to his passenger.
  • No, because given the type of injury suffered by the passenger, he needs to sue both drivers in order to recover all of his damages.
  • Yes, because the taxi driver breached the duty of care that he owed to his passenger and that breach by the taxi driver made a material contribution to the passenger’s broken arm.
  • No, because the van driver broke the chain of causation by driving above the speed limit.
  • No, because the careless driving of the taxi driver was not the only cause of the passenger’s broken arm.

4. A solicitor acts for a claimant in personal injury proceedings claiming damages of £30,000 plus interest. The proceedings are defended and include an allegation of fifty percent contributory negligence. Both parties agree that the trial of the claim will

  • County Court Multi-track because of the financial value
  • Small claims track because of the financial value
  • High Court Multi-track because of the financial value
  • Fast track because of the financial value
  • Fast track because of the likely length of the trial

5. A client is setting up a new business with a friend. The business will sell luxury bespoke furniture. The client is a successful businessman who has four properties including a large country house where he lives with his family. He also owns four luxury s

  • A limited liability partnership (with both as members) or a private limited company.
  • A limited liability partnership (with the client as the sole designated member) or a private limited company.
  • A private limited company or a limited partnership (with the client as the limited partner).
  • A general partnership or a private limited company (with the client as the sole director but both the client and friend as shareholders).


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