Minority inluence

  • Created by: Katie
  • Created on: 22-02-20 10:51
why is minority influence different from conformity
conformity occurs when the majority influence the minority, minority influence is the other way arond
1 of 22
what is minoirty influence most likely to lead to
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bot public and private beliefs are changed by the process
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who first studied the process of minority influence
Moscovici's 'blue slide, green slide' study
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what was Moscovici's method
a group of 6 people were asked to view a set of 36 blue coloured slides that varied in intensity, then asked if they were blue or green. I
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What were the confederates' role
consistently said the slides were green on two thirds of the trils
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how any pp ave he same answer as the minoirty on atleast on trial
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what was a second group exposed to
an inconsistent minoirty
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what happened to agreement
fell to 1.25%
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how mnay got the answer wrong in the control group
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what are the 4 components of minority influence
1. consistency 2. commitment 3. flexibility 4. the process of change
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what role does consistency play
increases the amount of interest from other poeple
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what is synchronic consisitency
everyone in the minoirty is saying the same thing
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what is diachronic consistency
consistency over time - the minoirty has been saying the same thing for some time
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how can a minority demonstrate commitment
engaging in activities that require self sacrifice, or extreme activities to draw attention to thir
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what does this lead to
the augmentation principle
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what is the augmentation principle
majority group members considering the view of the minority because their commitment sows they really believe what they are saying
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why is consistency not the only important factor
it can be interpreted negatively - seen as rigid, unbending, dogmatic
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what should the minority be instead
prepared to adapt and accept counter arguemtns
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what does the minority need to strike a balance
consistency and flexibility
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what should the three factors lead to
deeper processing
21 of 22
what effect will this lead to
22 of 22

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Card 2


what is minoirty influence most likely to lead to



Card 3




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Card 4


who first studied the process of minority influence


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Card 5


what was Moscovici's method


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