Migration, Identity and Sovereignty Key Words

Someone who moves their 'permanent' residence from one country to another for at least one year
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Rural-Urban Migration
Migration from rural to urban areas
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Core Regions
Major cities and hubs containing economic activity
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Core-periphery systems
Uneven spatial distribution of national population and wealth as a result of flows of migrants, trade and investment
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Core-periphery model
Based on the idea that as one state expands in economic prosperity the area of growth involves the core and the neighbouring area (periphery)
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Spread effects
Positive effects of the Core's growth on the periphery
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Backwash effects
Negative effects of the Core's growth on the periphery
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Export Processing Zones (EPZs)
Areas within developing countries that offer incentives and a barrier-free environment to promote economic growth
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1950s Chinese household regulation system that acted as a barrier to migration
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Shengen Agreement
Signed in 1955 by many EU states, allows free movement among member states
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Voluntary economic migrants
Migrants that move for work
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Migrants forced to leave their country because of war, a natural disaster or persecution
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Asylum seekers
Fleeing from another country to appeal for the right to international protection
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Family members
Once migrants seek asylum and/or are established, this fourth migrant group might follow them and as a result a diaspora may form
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A dispersed group of people with a shared cultural background
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Post-colonial migrants
People who moved to the UK from former colonies of the British Empire during the 50s, 60s and 70s
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Economic freedoms that are regarded as being the driving forces for globalisation
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National identity
A sense of a nation as a cohesive whole, represented by distinctive trends, culture and language. Beliefs and values change over time, so national identity can also change
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Supreme power of a state to govern
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Economic theory
Views humans as an economic resource that businesses need to make use of to maximise output (through cheap labour especially)
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Gradual integration of an immigrant group into the lifestyle and culture of the host, sometimes at the expense of their uniqueness
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A social group identified by a distinctive culture, religion, language or similar
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Ideas, beliefs, customs and social behaviour of a group or society
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Ethnic Segregation
The voluntary or enforced separation of people based on different cultures or nationalities
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Enforced segregation of people by skin colour or ethnicity
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Causes of differing attitudes towards migration
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How a population characterises itself; impacted by migration
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Cultural fractioniztion
An index (1-0) used to measure how diverse countries are. Global average is 0.53
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Territory over which no other country holds power
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Group of people who may lack sovereignty
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A shared feeling for a special significant geographical area; the belief held by people belonging to a particular nation that their own interests are much more important than those belonging to other nations
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Extension of a country's power and influence through colonisation, military force or other means
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A society where there is a high level of cultural and/or ethnic diversity among its citizens, often resulting in a multi-faith, multi-cultural community
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Something that us made, situated or registered abroad, especially in order to take advantage of lower taxes, costs or less stringent regulation
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Tax Havens
A country or territory with a nil or low rate of corporation tax. Some governments have expanded their lack of financial regulation with low income and corporate tax rates, designed to attract wealthy individuals
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Someone who has migrated to live in another state but remains a citizen of the state where they were born
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Transfer pricing
A financial flow occuring when one division of a TNC based in one country charges a division of the same firm (based in another country) for the supply of a product or service. It can lead to less corporation tax being paid
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Parent Company
The original business that a global TNC has developed around and whose directors still make decisions that effect the business as a whole. E.g. both Starbucks and Google are parent companies to global networks fo subsidiary businesses
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A company controlled by a holding company
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State envolvement being reduced or removed altogther; post-deregualtion, capital can be transferred anywhere freely, cheaply and quickly
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Migration from rural to urban areas


Rural-Urban Migration

Card 3


Major cities and hubs containing economic activity


Preview of the back of card 3

Card 4


Uneven spatial distribution of national population and wealth as a result of flows of migrants, trade and investment


Preview of the back of card 4

Card 5


Based on the idea that as one state expands in economic prosperity the area of growth involves the core and the neighbouring area (periphery)


Preview of the back of card 5
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