Micro 2.2

What does behavioural economics recognise?
Consumers are unlikely to always act rationally in the face of every decision they make.
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Why are consumers unlikely to always act rationally?
Consumers face imperfect information.
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What does imperfect information mean with consumers?
They rarely possess all the information required to make fully informed decisions.
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In what ways can imperfect information be presented to consumers?
Economic agents can be faced with too little/much information, or find themselves knowing more/less information than other parties to a transaction. Information can be presented in such a way as to exclude some people and be meaningful to others.
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What stops consumers from acquiring information?
There can be costs involved.
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What is asymmetric information?
A form of imperfect information when one party (usually the seller) has more/superior information than another party (usually the buyer).
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What can asymmetric information lead to?
An imbalance of power, where one party can exploit the other, resulting in market failure.
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What does uncertainty lead to?
A lack of trust between agents, which may mean that a mutually beneficial exchange does not occur.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


Why are consumers unlikely to always act rationally?


Consumers face imperfect information.

Card 3


What does imperfect information mean with consumers?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In what ways can imperfect information be presented to consumers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What stops consumers from acquiring information?


Preview of the front of card 5
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