Metallic bonds

What are the two models that are used to explain metallic bonds?
1)Electron sea theory; 2) Bond theory
1 of 5
What is electron sea theory used for and why does it fail?
Used to explain: conductivity and physical/mechanical properties = ductility,melting+boiling points. Fails: cannot explain variation of the physical properties e.g melting temperature
2 of 5
What is Bond theory?
It is molecular theory applied to metals.
3 of 5
How are conductance and valence bands created?
As #atoms increases(in the bond), the energy levels become so closely spaced that they form continuous bonds of occupied and unoccupied states. The bonding orbitals are occupied whilst the anti-bonding orbitals are empty creating the bands.
4 of 5
How do metals get their lustre?
Photons are absorbed and are emitted by e on the metal surface.
5 of 5

Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is electron sea theory used for and why does it fail?


Used to explain: conductivity and physical/mechanical properties = ductility,melting+boiling points. Fails: cannot explain variation of the physical properties e.g melting temperature

Card 3


What is Bond theory?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


How are conductance and valence bands created?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How do metals get their lustre?


Preview of the front of card 5


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