Memory: Working memory model

Why was the working memory model created?
It was created by Baddely and Hitch (1974) to expand on the complexity of STM which was reduced by the MSM
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What showed the STM was not a single store of memory?
People could not do two tasks both requiring one sense (e.g. acoustic) but could do two tasks requiring different senses (e.g. visual and acoustic)
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What three stores is the STM separated into?
Phonological loop

Visuo-spatial sketchpad

Episodic buffer
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Describe the phonological loop
Handles acoustic info

Split into the phonological stores and articulatory loop
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Describe the phonological store
Stores the words you hear
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Describe the articulatory loop
Repeats words you see or hear i.e. your inner voice
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Describe the visuo-spatial sketchpad
Used to plan spatial tasks (e.g. driving)

Split into the visual cache and the inner scribe
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Describe the visual cache
Stores information about visual items
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Describe the inner scribe
Stores the arrangement of objects in the visual field
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Describe the episodic buffer
Integrates info from the visuo-spatial sketchpad and phonological loop, compiling this into "episodes" allowing us to experience memories as a consistent series of events (like the episodes of a TV show)
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Describe the central executive
Directs attention and allocates the components of the STM to code it
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Illustrate the working memory model
Central executive
<- v ->
Phono loop Episodic buffer VSS
-> v <-
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What are the strengths and limitations of the WMM?
Strengths: Dual task processing is possible which shows there is more than one STM store

A patient (KF) suffered brain damage and struggled with verbal tasks but could still complete visual tasks

Weaknesses: There is no mention of more than one type of
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What showed the STM was not a single store of memory?


People could not do two tasks both requiring one sense (e.g. acoustic) but could do two tasks requiring different senses (e.g. visual and acoustic)

Card 3


What three stores is the STM separated into?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Describe the phonological loop


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Describe the phonological store


Preview of the front of card 5
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