Memory Quiz..

For the new specification (7181/2)

The key component of the Working Memory Model
Central executive
1 of 6
Who conducted the study where participants had to follow a spot of light whilst describing the angles of a hollow letter 'F'?
Gathercole and Baddeley
2 of 6
When information we have recently learnt hinders our ability to recall information we have learnt previously. This is...
Retroactive interference
3 of 6
In Peterson and Peterson's study with nonsense trigrams, what was the percentage of them recalled after 18 seconds?
4 of 6
The phonological loop is divided into the phonological store and the...
Articulatory system
5 of 6
Techniques in the cognitive interview for an eyewitness are reinstating the context, listing every detail, looking at a different perspective and...
The order of events reversed
6 of 6

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Card 2


Who conducted the study where participants had to follow a spot of light whilst describing the angles of a hollow letter 'F'?


Gathercole and Baddeley

Card 3


When information we have recently learnt hinders our ability to recall information we have learnt previously. This is...


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


In Peterson and Peterson's study with nonsense trigrams, what was the percentage of them recalled after 18 seconds?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


The phonological loop is divided into the phonological store and the...


Preview of the front of card 5
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