(A)Sexual reproduction and meiosis B13.1 , B13.2

What is meiosis?
It is cell division which produces gametes and leads to reproduction
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What happens during meiosis?
-cell has 100% DNA
-cell doubles - 200% DNA
-cell splits in half - 100% DNA
-cell splits again - 50% DNA
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Are the daughter cells genetically identical, and what does this mean?
They are genetically varied, which introduces genetic variation
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Reproduction in fungi
Mostly asexual (via spores)
Sexual in unfavourable conditions/to give variation
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Reproduction in plant
Sexual (eg produce seeds)
Asexual (runners)
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Reproduction in parasites
They reproduce asexually in human host. Female mosquito drinks blood containing these which makes them produce the sexual form in the mosquito. This undergoes meiosis which introduces variation.
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What does haploid and diploid mean?
haploid - nuclei contain one set of chromosomes (50%)
diploid - nuclei contain two sets of chromosomes (100%)
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Pros of asexual reproduction
•• only one parent needed
•• more time and energy efficient (do not need to find a mate)
•• faster than sexual reproduction
•• many identical offspring can be produced when conditions are favourable
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Cons of asexual reproduction
Plant - new plant grows very near mother plant
Fungi - issues are spread as genetically identical
Parasite - genetically identical
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Pros of sexual reproduction
•• produces variation in offspring
•• if environment changes. variation gives survival advantage (natural selection)
•• natural selection can be sped up by humans in selective breeding to increase for production.
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Cons of sexual reproduction
Plant - must wait for pollen to reach mother plant
- dispersal may take seeds to bad conditions
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What is sexual reproduction?
(what happens)
Fusion of male and female gametes
(sperm and egg cells in animals, pollen and egg cells in flowering plants)
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What is a gamete?
Sex cell (egg, sperm, pollen)
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Gametes join at ___________ to restore the normal number of __________.
Gametes join at FERTILISATION to restore the normal number of CHROMOSOMES.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What happens during meiosis?


-cell has 100% DNA
-cell doubles - 200% DNA
-cell splits in half - 100% DNA
-cell splits again - 50% DNA

Card 3


Are the daughter cells genetically identical, and what does this mean?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Reproduction in fungi


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Reproduction in plant


Preview of the front of card 5
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