Asexual and Sexual Reproduction

okay so i'm aware the evaluation isnt actually an evaluation i just needed somewhere to put the information 

  • Created by: kati
  • Created on: 12-05-19 18:24

Asexual and Sexual Reproduction


  • Asexual Reproduction: produces lots of offspring very quickly as the reproductive cycle is very fast, this can allow organisms to colonise a new area very rapidly. Only one parent is needed, this means organisms can reproduce whenever conditions are favourable without needing a mate.
  • Sexual Reproduction: creates genetic variation within the population meaning that if the environmental conditions change, it is more likely that some individuals will have the characteristics to survive the change. Over time, this can lead to natural selection and evolution as species become better adapted to their environment.


  • Asexual Reproduction: there's no genetic variation between the offspring, this means if the environment changes and conditions become unfavourable, the whole population may be affected.
  • Sexual Reproduction: takes more time and energy so fewer offspring is produced throughout the organisms lifetime. Two parents are needed for sexual reproduction which can be a problem if individuals are isolated.


Reproducing is very important to all organisms, it's how they pass on their genes. Some organisms produce sexually, others asexually and some can do both. When cells reproduce asexually, they divide by mitosis. Sexual reproduction involves meiosis and the production of genetically different haploid gametes which fuse together to form a diploid cell at fertilisation. 


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