meds management and pharmacology

  • Created by: louiso1
  • Created on: 30-06-18 14:32
medicines act (1968)
controls the manufacture and distribution of all medicines for humans and animals
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misuse of drugs act (1971, 2001, 2012)
regulates the drugs deemed to be dangerous or harmful
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three classes of drugs
general sales list, pharmacy medicines and prescription only
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the six rights
medication, route, patient, dose, documentation and time
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patient group directives
not a prescription, written for groups of patients and can only be administered by the nurse who issued them
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routes of administration
oral, intramuscular, subcutaneous, intravenous, transdermal, sublingual, rectal and vaginal
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overreaction of the boys immune system
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severe life threatening allergic reaction
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what the body does to the drug (absorption, distribution, metabolism and excretion)
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what the drug does to the body
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how the drug enters the bloodstream. small intestines has a large surface area for absorption. IV drugs are delivered directly into circulation so no absorption is required
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factors that affect absorption
drugs in liquid are absorbed faster. GI tract disorders can alter surface area. some drugs are absorbed better on an empty stomach
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first pass effect
the metabolism of the drug during its first pass through the liver
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the amount reaching circulation (the amount of the drug that will work)
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how the drug is carried in the bloodstream to its target tissues
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plasma protein carriers
many drugs temporarily bind to plasma protein carriers whilst in blood
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bound drugs
have no pharmacological effect
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unbound drugs
have pharmacological effect
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how the drug breaks down/is changed into a form that can be excreted. mainly occurs in the liver
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two phases of metabolism
various chemical reactions that alter chemical properties of the drug and conjunction (turning the drug water soluble
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factors that effect metabolism
age and liver disease affect liver enzyme levels. genetic differences in enzyme levels may exist. enzyme levels may be induced or inhibited
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how the metabolised drug is removed from the body. mainly by urine
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minor routes of elimination
skin, lungs and saliva
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therapeutic range
may be narrow or wide (wider is safer) Aim to keep the drug levels in the therapeutic range
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half life
indicates how often doses are needed. varies rapidly
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crushing tablets
may disrupt the release properties of the drug with risks of toxicity
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Card 2


misuse of drugs act (1971, 2001, 2012)


regulates the drugs deemed to be dangerous or harmful

Card 3


three classes of drugs


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


the six rights


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


patient group directives


Preview of the front of card 5
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