Medicines Managment

What is Pharmacology?
The study of medicines and their interactions with the body.
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What is Pharmacovidulance?
The detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects.
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What is Pharmacodynamics?
How the drug affects the body.
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What is Pharmacokinetics?
The effect the body has on the drug.
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How would you keep up to date with Medications?
Updated BNF, MHRA, Training and Education.
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What sources are used to make drugs?
Plant Products, Genetic Engineering, Fungi & Inorganic Compounds.
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What is Absorption?
The time it takes for a drug to be absorbed until it reaches the circulating fluids and tissues, via GI tract.
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What is Metabolism?
A change by chemical reactions, usually occurs in the liver.
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What is Excretion?
Excretion is a process whereby drugs are transferred from external to internal environment
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What is Loading Dose?
Initial larger dose of a drug to reach a therapeutic level.
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What is a Theraputic Level?
Optimal time of efficiency of a drug.
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What are Critical Medications?
Medications that cannot be omitted due to it's complications. e.g. insulin/Parkinson's medication
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What are the Physio-chemical properties of a drug?
Water Solubility, Molecular Size & Lipid Solubility.
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What are the 4 Principles of Pharmacokinetics?
Absorption, Distribution, Metabolism & Excretion.
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What are the 4 types of membranes.
Cell Membrane, Capillary walls, Blood/Brain Barrier & Placental Barrier
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What is Bio-Availability?
The proportion of unchanged drug that reaches the systemic circulation.
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What is meant by the term Half-Life?
The time it takes for the drug concentration to fall to half its original value.
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What is meant by the term Steady State?
The rate of absorption is equal to the rate of elimination.
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What are the 4 pillars of ethics?
Autonomy, Beneficence, Non-Maleficence and Justice.
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What is therapeutic failure?
When the dose of the drug is too low and it has no effect.
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What is Toxicity?
When the dose of a drug is too high causing adverse effects and harm to the body.
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What are common reactions to medication?
- Nausea -Vomiting -Constipation -Diarhoea -Dry Mouth - Drowsiness
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What is Anaphylaxis?
Hyper-Sensitive Reaction.
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What are the Triggers of Anaphylaxis
Wasp/Bee Sting, Latex, Antibiotics, Anti-Inflammatories, Foods & Contrast Agents
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What are the Symptoms of Anaphylaxis?
Cardiovascular Collapse, Bronchospasm, Angiodema, Pulmonary Odeama, Loss of Conscientiousness & Urticaria
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What is an Adverse Reaction?
An unwanted effect of a medicine that has a physiological affect on the patient.
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What are the 5 types of Adverse Drug Reactions (ADR's)?
Augmented, Bizarre, Chronic, Delayed & End of Use.
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List Common Drug Interactions.
Food, Other Drugs, Supplements & Medical Conditions
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Where do Pharmakinetic Interactions take place?
GI Tract, Plasma, Kidneys & Liver.
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What are 3 names applied to drugs?
Chemical, Generic & Trade.
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List Subcutaneous Injection Sites.
Abdomen, Arm, Thigh and Buttock.
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List Intra-Muscular Injection Sites.
Thigh, Buttocks, Deltoid.
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What does PGD stand for?
Patient Group Directions.
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What does SAM stand for?
Self Administration of Medications.
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What does POM stand for?
Prescription only Medication
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What does GSL stand for?
General Sales List Medications.
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What is Drug Distribution?
the physiological movement of drugs from systemic circulation to the tissues.
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What factors affect Drug Distrubution?
Membrane Permability, Tissue Perfusion, Protien Binding & Volume of Distribution.
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What is a Spesifc Drug?
It acts at only one receptor, but can have multiple effects due to widespread location of receptors.
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What is a Selective Drug?
It acts on one receptor in a particular tissue in a concentration that has little effect on the receptor in different organs.
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List 3 Types of Consent.
Verbal, Written & Implied Consent.
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What things need to be considered when gaining consent?
Capasity, Volentary & Informed.
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What are the 3 classifications of drugs?
Perscription Only Medications, Pharmacy Medications & General Sales List Medications.
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What is the First Pass Effect?
Where the concetration of a drug is greatly reduced before it reaches systemic circulation.
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List reason for intentionally not taking medication.
Don't believe it will work. Cost. Doesnt fit in with their routine. Bad publicity of the drug.
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What is meant by the term 'Medicines Managment'?
Clinical, cost-effective & safe use of medicines.
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List 3 classes of Perscription Only Medications.
Medicinal producs containing listed substances. Medicinal products containing drug under the Missue of Drugs Act. Medicinal products for parentral use.
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List reasons for non-intentionally not taking medication.
Cannot open the container. Don't understand the instructions. Not clear when to take it. Unable to get to the chemist.
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List stratergies to why we encourage Self Administration.
Promote Independance. Promote Autonomy. Improve Knowledge. Involve the patient in their care.
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What factors can affect absorption?
Dissultion time, stability in the GI tract, surface area of the intestine, food & other drugs.
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What are the 3 types of reactions?
Local, Systemic & Allergic.
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What factors affect the Half Life of a Drug?
Obestity, Ageing, Increased/Decreased Metabolism, Hepatic & Renal Failure.
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What are the prinicples of Drug Treatments?
Maximise effects, minimise side effects, Maximise acceptability to the patient, Optimise risk vs benefit ratio, maintain therapeutic effect without toxicity
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What factors affect Elimination?
Age, genetics, pregnancy, diet, other drugs & liver disease.
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What is a PGD.
'Written instructions for the supply or administration of medicines to groups of patients who may not be individually identified before presentation for treatment.
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Other cards in this set

Card 2


What is Pharmacovidulance?


The detection, assessment, understanding and prevention of adverse effects.

Card 3


What is Pharmacodynamics?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is Pharmacokinetics?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How would you keep up to date with Medications?


Preview of the front of card 5
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