Medieval England (1200-1500)

What were living conditions like in medieval towns?
Medieval towns were extremely unheigenic, streets were littered with animal dung and intestines from the butchers. houses were cramped and littered with diseases, and rats were EVERYWHERE in peoples homes who carried the deadliest of diseases.
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What were living conditions like in the countrysides?
For peasants, life was tough, if their crops died (which they often did) they would go without food. There was a lack of sanitation and waste was commonly thrown on the streets.
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what did the towns people do?
Some members of the town created 'Guilds' which overlooked different bussinesses. Most other had jobs feeding the towns people like the butchers, and some cleaned the streets. They were called 'Gongfermers'.
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what did the church do?
Churches created infirmarys to look after diseased patients. Usually they would pray for the patients or dash herbs or flowers around them because of 'Miasma'.
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What did the king do?
The king ordered for more public latrines to be built and that it was to be illegal for people to litter on the streets.
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What were responses to the plague?
One response of the plague was the spreading of herbs and flowers, this was because of 'Miasma'. Another response was the 4 humours, Yellow bile, Black bile, Phlem and Blood, leading to blood letting and leaches.
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Card 2


What were living conditions like in the countrysides?


For peasants, life was tough, if their crops died (which they often did) they would go without food. There was a lack of sanitation and waste was commonly thrown on the streets.

Card 3


what did the towns people do?


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Card 4


what did the church do?


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Card 5


What did the king do?


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