Medicine through time - Greek medicine and treatment (1000BC-0BC)

Greek ideas about medicine and treatement. Included in this quiz is key individuals, ideas about causes and treatement of disease, amount of change in ideas and key dates.


1. What was used to treat disease

  • Bleeding, purging, praying and herbal remedies
  • Bleeding, praying, mass murdering Jews and herbal remedies
  • Using opposites, bleeding, praying, purging and herbal remedies
  • Beating themselves, praying, bleeding, purging and herbal remedies
1 of 6

Other questions in this quiz

2. How much change in medicine and treatement

  • Hardly any
  • Complete new ideas
  • Bit of change
  • No change

3. Name the key individual in this time period

  • Harvey
  • Galen
  • Hippocrates
  • Vesalius

4. When did Hippocrates create the theory of the four humours?

  • 670BC - c590BC
  • 560BC - c490BC
  • 460BC - c370BC
  • 1000BC - c935BC
  • 800BC - c725BC

5. What were the four humours?

  • Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and blood
  • Black bile, yellow bile, phlegm and saliva
  • Black bile, green bile, phlegm and blood
  • Black bile, green bile, urine and blood


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