What is Ferrous Fumerate used for?
Iron Deficiency Anaemia
(condition where the body does not enough iron to be able to produce healthy red blood cells)
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What are the main Side Effects of Ferrous Fumerate?
Nausea, Constipation, Diarrhea, vomiting and Gastro-Intestinal discomfort.
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How is Ferrous Fumerate Absorbed?
Its administered orally then absorbed in the duodenum and jejunum (upper GI tract and small intestine)
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How is Ferrous Fumerate Distributed?
Once absorbed it becomes part of haemoglobin contributing to the oxygen transport.
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How is Ferrous Fumerate Metabolised?
Integrates into iron containing proteins, primary role is to replenish iron stores and support red blood cell production.
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How Is Ferrous Fumerate excreted?
Like dietary iron through urine, faeces, skin and sputum
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What are the contraindications to Ferrous Fumerate?
Any conditions that effect : Iron Levels, Blood cell levels
Any other anaemia that is not caused by low iron
Gastro-Intestinal issues like IBD
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Card 2


What are the main Side Effects of Ferrous Fumerate?


Nausea, Constipation, Diarrhea, vomiting and Gastro-Intestinal discomfort.

Card 3


How is Ferrous Fumerate Absorbed?


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Card 4


How is Ferrous Fumerate Distributed?


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Card 5


How is Ferrous Fumerate Metabolised?


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