Medical Ethics

Define Abortion
The deliberate termination of a foetus/pregnancy
1 of 18
What is an 'easy death'?
2 of 18
What is suicide?
Ending your own life
3 of 18
What are the three main types of Euthanasia?
Involuntary, Passive, Voluntary
4 of 18
Define the types of Euthanasia
Passive-when death is brought about by an omission - i.e. when someone lets the person die. Voluntary- When the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Involuntary-When the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary.
5 of 18
What is assisted suicide?
Assisted suicide is suicide effected with the assistance of another person, especially the taking of lethal drugs provided by a doctor for the purpose by a patient suffering from a terminal illness or incurable condition.
6 of 18
What is AIH, AID and IVF?
Artificial Insemination by Husband, Artificial Insemination by Donor and In Vitro Fertilisation
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What is the sanctity of life?
Life is a sacred and special gift from God?
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1)All life deserves repect
Christians say that everyone is equal and valuable to God
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2)Life is a gift from God
Christians belive that God is the creator of life and only God has the right to take life
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3) Life should not be destroyed
Christians say thatthe taking of another persons life goes against one of the 10 commandments "Thou shalt not kill"
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4) Human life is precious
Christians believe that humans are made in the image of God
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5) God has a plan for all human life
Christians belive that a persons life is mapped out by God and so everyone is unique
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What is Stewardship?
The power to look after something which does not belong to us
14 of 18
What is Dominion?
The power to use something but not abuse it?
15 of 18
Define DNA cloning
Copies are made of a DNA sequence and the copies are used in many experiments
16 of 18
Define Reproductive cloning
This is when an animal is produced with the same DNA as another animal
17 of 18
Define Therapeutic cloning
The production of human embryos in order to gather stem cells to use in research
18 of 18

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Card 2




What is an 'easy death'?

Card 3


Ending your own life


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Card 4


Involuntary, Passive, Voluntary


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Card 5


Passive-when death is brought about by an omission - i.e. when someone lets the person die. Voluntary- When the person who is killed has requested to be killed. Involuntary-When the person who is killed made an expressed wish to the contrary.


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