Media: Topic 3

  • Created by: Ashley2K
  • Created on: 09-06-17 15:17
What percentage of people used television as their main source of news coverage in 2005?
72%, they argued it was unbiased and a window to the world.
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What does Mcquail in regards to the news?
He suggests that the news is a socially manufactured product because it is the end result of a selective process. Gatekeepers make choices and judgement about what events are important enough to cover and how to cover them.
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How can financial constraints affect a companies approach to the news?
Things such as sending personnel overseas and booking satellite connects can be very expensive and can result in 'news' reports even if very little is happening in order to justify the costs. There has been a decline in expensive forms of coverage.
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What are the differences in content between television based news and newspapers?
Newspapers by their very nature are dated, all news included usually happened the day before. Television news is more immediate
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How can different audiences affect a companies approach to the news?
The content and style of news programmes is often dependent on the type of audience thought to be watching. This may include age, class and gender. e.g. the sun might use simplistic language.
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How does Spencer-Thomas suggest editors and journalists use the concept of news values?
He suggests that they will use news values to determine the newsworthiness of a particular story and to judge whether it will attract a significant readership or audience.
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What are the 8 news values?
1. Extraordinariness 2. Threshold: the bigger the size of the event, the more likely it will be reported nationally 3. Unambiguity: easy to grasp 4. Reference to elite persons 5. Reference to elite nations 6. Personalisation: complex events and
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What are the 8 news values? (2)
policies are often reduced to conflict between personalities, journalists believe this makes news easier to grasp 6. Frequency 7. Narrative 8. Negativity
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Why do Neo-pluralists argue that it is difficult for journalists to be professional, impartial and objective?
Neo-pluralists such as Davies argue that modern day British journalist relies too much on churnalism, the over-reliance on 'facts' leaked by government spin doctors and public relations experts. He found over 80% of news stories were sourced this way
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What does Bagdikian suggest almost all media owners in the USA are a part of?
He argues that they are part of a power elite made up of a powerful industrial, financial and political establishment. Therefore media owners ensure the content of news is conservative and avoid covering poverty or inequality.
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Why is Schlesinger critical of theories that focus on the power of elites or owners?
He is critical because the media do not always act in the interests of the powerful. Contemporary politicians are very careful about what they say to the media acknowledging the media can shape public opinion and maybe even influence voting behavior.
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Card 2


What does Mcquail in regards to the news?


He suggests that the news is a socially manufactured product because it is the end result of a selective process. Gatekeepers make choices and judgement about what events are important enough to cover and how to cover them.

Card 3


How can financial constraints affect a companies approach to the news?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are the differences in content between television based news and newspapers?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


How can different audiences affect a companies approach to the news?


Preview of the front of card 5
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