Media Studies

Name 5 Visual codes..
Colour, graphics,text,font style, mise en scene,body lang, clothing,lighting
1 of 42
Name 5 Audio codes..
Diegetic/non-diegetic sound, sound effects,tone,dialouge,pace,contrapuntal sound,volume, pitch.
2 of 42
Name 5 Narrative codes..
Todorov's equilbrium,Barthes' enigma,Strauss' binary oppostions,Propp's charecter roles,Linear/non linear,real- time.
3 of 42
Name 5 Technical codes..
Fade, transition,camera angles,graphis, SFX, lighting.
4 of 42
Name 5 Written codes..
Pronouns,foramal/informal,structure,lexis, emotive language, similies, mode of address.
5 of 42
What is Propp's Theory of Narrative?
That there are 8 charecter roles; Hero, Villain, Donor, Helper, Princess, Father, Dispacter and False hero. He had the view all media follows a fixed structure.
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What is Todorov's theory?
That stories follow a pattern of: Equilbrium, disruption, recognition of problem, attempt to repair, the new equilbrium restored.
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What is Barthes' theory?
That there is 5 action codes. Hermenutic, proarietic, cultural, semic and symbolic.
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What is Strauss' theory?
That there is Binary oppostions in most media texts, eg. good and evil.
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What does polysemic mean?
Where a text has multiple meanings.
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What is a Moral Panic?
An expressed feeling in a population about an issue that appears to threaten social order.
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What is a Stereotype?
A standardised, over simplified mental picture or attitude that is held in common by members of a group.
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How do texts postion an audience?
Through techincal codes, language or mode of address, or through the constructin of a text. Eg. Chatty language positions the audience as aprt of the world of the magazine.
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What is Stuart Hall's Reception Theory? (Audience response)
Preferred reading (passive audience) where the audience accepts the dominant reading, Negotiated reading where the audience accepts some but rejects other parts of the reading. Lastly, Oppositoinal reading where the audience disagrees.
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What affects the way in which an audience responds to a text?
Gender, age, ethnicity, culture, cultural experience and situated culture all affects audience response.
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What does construct mean?
The way the text constructs the audience to feel.
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How do texts target/appeal to its audience?
All codes, mode of address, context, positioning.
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What is a Masthead?
The name of a magazine.
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What is a Tagline?
Near the masthead, like a slogan that often links to the magazines ideology.
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What is Anchorage?
The text that is anchored to an image
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What are Coverlines?
Text telling reader about content of the magazine/
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What are Puffs?
A device whcih helps draw attention and promotes certain elements of the mag.
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What are Pugs?
These are the ears of a magazine and placed in the top corners of a mag advertising something.
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What is an Edition?
A thing that may effect colours or price.
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What is an ideology?
Ideologies are a set of beliefs that all effect our outlook on the world. They can be implict (hidden) or explicit (obvious)
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What is Hegemony?
Control of soceity by the government throughcultural and social expectations.
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Name the tiers of the Socio-economic structure?
A- lawyers, doctors (well paid professionals) B- Teachers, middle management etc. C1- Bank clerks, nurses etc. C2- Electriticians,plumebers etc. D - Semi and unskilled manual workers. E- Students, elderly, unemployed.
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List and identify the Psychometric profiles.
Mainstreamers, Aspirers, Suceeders, Resigned, Explorers, Strugglers and Reformers.
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What are the Uses and gratifications of media texts?
Survaillance, Personal relationships, Personal idendity, Diversion.
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What is the Male Gaze?
The male gaze is the audiences view as a heterosexual male, presenting women as objects of male pleasure. The man is often presented as dominant, and the woman subordinate to him.
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What are the key represantations of men?
The action hero, the matcho man, the senstaive man, the lad, the professinal and the inept bungler.
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What are the 3 signs in images?
Indexical - to indicate something, eg. smoke indicates fire. Iconic - things being signified, eg. BBC icon signifies the BBC. Symbolic - not having an obvious relationship eg. bad weather meaing a negative situation.
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What is Star Theory?
This is the theory that celebrities are constructed by an institution for financial gain. It suggests celebrities are products that are marketed.
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What is Cultivation theory?
Theory by G.Gerbner states that high viewers of TV are more susceptable to media messages and think the world is a worse place. they may become desensitised.
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Name some common news features..
Studio shot, formal, establishing shot, piece de camera, cutaways or filler shots, voxpops, human interest, statistics and animated graphics,summary then studio interviews etc.
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What are actives?
Radio listeners that contact the raido stations.
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What is Backsell?
Where the DJ announces the title or artist of the song played.
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What is a bed?
Background sounds used for promotional announcements.
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What is a Billboard?
An opening of a show, an announcement identifying a sponsor.
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What is a shock jock?
A radio personality who typically is controversial to attract more attention.
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What is a stinger?
Technique used by radio DJs that is a sound with an effect to emphasise a thought.
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What is a sweeper?
A recorded element such as a voiceover that bridges two songs together.
42 of 42

Other cards in this set

Card 2


Name 5 Audio codes..


Diegetic/non-diegetic sound, sound effects,tone,dialouge,pace,contrapuntal sound,volume, pitch.

Card 3


Name 5 Narrative codes..


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Name 5 Technical codes..


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Name 5 Written codes..


Preview of the front of card 5
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