media representation theorists

stuart hall
media language is used to create representations + stereotypes. stereotyping is used to create power.
1 of 6
van zoonen
men and women are represented differently in the media. women are objectified because of western culture.
2 of 6
bell hooks
feminism is a political movement, and has to take race, sexuality etc into account. (intersectional feminism)
3 of 6
judith butler
gender is a social construct. 'masculine' and 'feminine' are created through representation.
4 of 6
david gauntlett
identity is created through the internet, we now have more of a variety of representations to identify with.
5 of 6
paul gilroy
the representation of many groups is still impacted by colonialism.
6 of 6

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Card 2


men and women are represented differently in the media. women are objectified because of western culture.


van zoonen

Card 3


feminism is a political movement, and has to take race, sexuality etc into account. (intersectional feminism)


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Card 4


gender is a social construct. 'masculine' and 'feminine' are created through representation.


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Card 5


identity is created through the internet, we now have more of a variety of representations to identify with.


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