Measure for measure quotes Act 1 and Act 2 scene 1

Act 1, scene 1 Duke about Angelo
"Lent him our terror, dressed him with our love"
- juxtaposition
- clothing imagery
- given Angelo all the power to punish and to reward
- omniscient and omnipotent
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Act 1, scene 1 mercy and power (Angelo and Duke)
"Mortality and mercy in Vienna/ Live in thy tongue and heart"
- alliteration
- telling Angelo not to abuse his power
-alongside the power to punish must be mercy
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Act 1, scene 1 Duke's manipulation/ view of his people
"I love the people/ But do not like to stage me in their eyes"
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Act 1, scene 2 Lucio about Claudio
"ever precise in promise keeping"
- Claudio is an honourable man
-abnormal situation- Angelo is harshly punishing him with an old law that the Duke let pass
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Act 1, scene 2 Claudio about Angelo
"our natures do pursue, like rats that raven down their proper bane, a thirsty evil and when we drink we die "
- dehumanising- claudio has no freedom
- can't go against Angelo
- he doesnt believe that this is justice however he knows he cannot question A
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Act 1, scene 2 Claudio about Angelo
"a horse whereon the governer doth ride... he can command, lets its straight feel the spur"
- horse imagery- Angelo has complete control
- forceful application of pressure, uncompassionate ruler
-unexperienced- instinct is to control as harshly as possib
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Act 1, scene 2 Duke about love
"Believe not that the dribbling dart of love/ can pierce a complete bosom"
- metaphor
- believes emotions are beneath him- disconnected
- belittles love and thinks he does not need anyone else as love is pointless
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Act 1, scene 2 Duke about laws
"we have strict statures and most biting laws/ the needful bits and curbs to headstrong weeds"
- horse imagery
- need for overbearing and restrictive control
- conflicted with himself on whether he is a good leader or not as he recognises that he was not
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Act 1, scene 2 Duke about rule
"like an o'ergrown lion in a cave/ that goes not out to prey"
- simile
- his rule of vienna has been lazy and he blames himself for Vienna's moral decline
- feels mocked by the people
- hiding from his responsibilities
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Act 1, scene 3 Friar about Duke
"It rested in your grace to unloose this tied up justice when you pleased"
- imagery of a knot
-duke's responsibility to make things right
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Act 1, scene 3 Duke about Angelo
"his appetite is more to bread than stone"
- metaphor
-lacking humanity
- too puritanical
- Duke is testing Angelo to see if he really is as he says
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Act 1, scene 3 Duke about Angelo
"if power changes purpose, what our seemers be "
- duke criticises angelo for being so sexually repressed
- testing him on whether power distorts his morality
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Act 1, scene 4 Isabella about Angelo
"wishing a strict restraint upon the sisterhood"
"oh let him marry her"
- even isabella who is a nun thinks Angelo is too harsh
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Act 2, scene 1 Angelo about beliefs
"Let my own judgement pattern out my death"
- death imagery
firmly believes in his justice
- prepared to die for his beliefs
- fair for him to die if he did what claudio has done
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Act 2, scene 1 Escalus about morality
"mercy is not itself, that oft looks so/pardon is still the nurse of second woe/ But yet poor claudio!"
- conflicted
- mercy is ineffective in stopping people from sinning
- however he wants to be merciful and feels sympathy for claudio, but knows that
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Card 2


Act 1, scene 1 mercy and power (Angelo and Duke)


"Mortality and mercy in Vienna/ Live in thy tongue and heart"
- alliteration
- telling Angelo not to abuse his power
-alongside the power to punish must be mercy

Card 3


Act 1, scene 1 Duke's manipulation/ view of his people


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


Act 1, scene 2 Lucio about Claudio


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


Act 1, scene 2 Claudio about Angelo


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