The Kite Runner Quotes: Innocence

  • Created by: mhannah
  • Created on: 03-05-18 23:52
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  • The Kite Runner Quotes: Innocence
  • "The mewling of their sheep, the baaing of their goats, the jingle of bells around their camels' necks. We'd run outside to watch the caravan plod through our street, men with dusty, weather-beaten faces."
    • Chapter 4, natural imagery employed to portray innocence of Amir and Hassan's childhood.
  • "Every winter, districts in Kabul held a kite-fighting tournament. And if you were a boy living in Kabul, the day of the tournament was undeniably the highlight of the cold season. I never slept the night before the tournament."
    • Chapter 6. There's an innocence to Amir's insomnia here. Although Hosseini doesn't spend a lot of time talking about Amir's sleeplessness, he does mention after Amir betrays Hassan – and Amir never really resolves his sleeplessness in the novel; guilt, anxiety, and all the darker forces of the brain will torment Amir.
  • "It was the look of the lamb."
    • Chapter 7. Hosseini elevates Hassan's status as a victim during this **** scene, particularly likening him to a lamb
  • "The Russian soldier thrust his face into the rear of the truck. He was humming the wedding song and drumming his finger on the edge of the tailgate...the soldier wanted a half hour with the lady in the back of the truck."
    • Chapter 10. Baba, unlike Amir, defends the possible victim and confronts the Russian soldier to prevent a horrific event. We wonder, then, if redemptive acts, like this one from Baba, can return a character to innocence. Don't forget that Baba betrayed Ali by sleeping with Sanaubar.
      • Does Amir regain some measure of innocence? Or does one never regain lost innocence?
  • Chapter 10. Like Sohrab, Kamal refuses to speak. And, like Hassan, Kamal appears hollow and withdrawn. On a larger scale, though, Hosseini comments on Afghanistan's loss of innocence. War brings about Kamal's tragedy and the tragic loss of Kamal's mother. Often (but not always), the events in the lives of individuals in The Kite Runner can be mapped onto the nation of Afghanistan.
    • "His eyes gave me a hollow look and no recognition at all registered in them...bleeding down there...his pants...doesn't talk any more...just stares..."
  • "It was written in Farsi. No dots were omitted, no crosses forgotten, no words blurred together – the handwriting was almost childlike in its neatness."
    • Chapter 17. aura of innocence still surrounding Hassan. Hassan lives through a tragic attack at a young age. His best friend, Amir, betrays him. He and his father leave their home. War comes to Afghanistan. But through all this, Hassan holds onto something like innocence.
  • "The man's hand slid up and down the boy's belly. Up and down, slowly, gently."
    • Chapter 22. Lack of morality and pure evil in Assef's character; abusing Sohrab.
  • "He sucked in his breath and let it out in a long, wheezy cry. "I'm so dirty and full of sin."
    • Chapter 24. Although Sohrab misses his father and mother (and grandmother), he admits he doesn't want to see them. Or, rather, them to see him. All the terrible things Assef and the guards did to him has made him feel "dirty" and guilty.
      • Effect of Assef's **** on Sohrab


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