Other questions in this quiz

2. what does the following function do guidata(h0bject, handles)

  • saves to the workspace
  • stores data
  • retrieves data

3. what does the function sum(n) return

  • sums the values in a vector or column
  • returns the sum of all the numbers in matrix n
  • sums the values in a vector or row
  • returns vector with number of rows and columns in n

4. which of the following is false about the mathscript interactive window

  • debugging tools cant be used
  • there isnt a error bar down the side
  • you can't inport prewritten code into it
  • user defined functions can be called from script files

5. whats not a reason for writing a user defined function

  • readability
  • reliability
  • code runs faster
  • portability


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