Marxists view of the family

  • Created by: Ashamay2
  • Created on: 24-08-21 19:19
Marxism is what type of theory?
Conflict theory
1 of 14
What is the part of society that involves the money, the supply of money and process of money in society?
2 of 14
What is everything else in society such as the political, legal and educational systems along with beliefs and ideas of society?
3 of 14
What is a set of ideas called?
4 of 14
What is it called when workers do not know that they are being exploited so they cannot do anything about it, they continue to be exploited?
False Class Consciousness
5 of 14
What is the family a unit of?
unit of consumption
6 of 14
What is it when a child asks for something so much that the parents relent and buy them or get them the thing they are asking for?
Pester power
7 of 14
Who said that the family has an economic function of maintaining wealth within the bourgeoise?
8 of 14
Who said that the family is the one place where proletariat can have power and control?
9 of 14
What is a release from alienation at work and oppression at work when they are home?
Safety Valve
10 of 14
What is it called when a statistic isn’t completely true because theres some that haven’t been recorded?
Dark figure
11 of 14
What are Marxists thoughts when talking about the dominance of economy?
Overly deterministic
12 of 14
In Marxism what is the conflict between?
Social classes
13 of 14
What is it when universally loved and hated economic social systems where most things are privately owned?
14 of 14

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Card 2


What is the part of society that involves the money, the supply of money and process of money in society?



Card 3


What is everything else in society such as the political, legal and educational systems along with beliefs and ideas of society?


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What is a set of ideas called?


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What is it called when workers do not know that they are being exploited so they cannot do anything about it, they continue to be exploited?


Preview of the front of card 5
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