Management Accounting - Introduction to Management Accounting

  • Created by: Flossy15
  • Created on: 08-01-19 19:25
What are direct costs??
Costs which are directly related to the product being made. (Main direct costs are direct materilas, direct labour and direct expenses.
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What are Indirect costs??
These are all the other costs which exist independent of the product being produced. (often called overheads)
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What are fixed costs??
These are costs which do not change in relation to output. (for example rent will remain the same whether you are producing 10 or 100 units)
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What are variable costs??
These are costs which change (vary) in relation to output. As output increases, the variable costs wil increase and as output decreases, the variable costs will decrease. ALL DIRECT COSTS ARE VARIABLE
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What are costs centres??
This is a department or service which a cost can be calculated. These can be split upinto Production Cost centres (department whcih produce a product) and service cost centres (departments which provide a service to the rest of the business)
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What are cost units??
This is a product which a cost can be calculated
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Card 2


What are Indirect costs??


These are all the other costs which exist independent of the product being produced. (often called overheads)

Card 3


What are fixed costs??


Preview of the front of card 3

Card 4


What are variable costs??


Preview of the front of card 4

Card 5


What are costs centres??


Preview of the front of card 5
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